
11021201311T. W. Chen, S. C. Cheng, W. F. HsiehCollective excitations, Nambu-Goldstone modes, and instability of inhomogeneous polariton condensates第一順位Physical Review B88 184502  
2101220137T. W. Chen, S. C. Cheng, W. F. HsiehStability and excitations of spontaneous vortices in polariton condensates第一順位Solid State Communications165 6-10 Polariton condensates; Quantized vortices 
3102120138T. W. Chen, Ken-Chia Chang, Che-Ju Hsu, Chia-Rong Sheu, Ming-Dar WeiAdjustable Bistability and Hysteresis Loop in a Nd:GdVO4 Laser with an Intracavity Liquid Crystal Cell第一順位Japanese Journal of Applied Physics52 092701  
4102120141T. W. Chen, M. D. Wei, S. C. Cheng, W. F. HsiehPhase diagram of microcavity polariton condensates with a harmonic potential trap第一順位 Solid State Communications178 23-27 Polariton condensates; Quantized vortices 
5102220145T. W. Chen, Ken-Chia Chang, Jia-Chi Chen, Ja-Hon Lin, Ming-Dar WeiRole of modulation frequency in a hybrid Q-switched Nd:LuVO4 laser with an acousto-optic modulator and a chromium-doped YAG saturable absorber第一順位Applied Optics 53 3459-3464  
6103220157T. W. Chen, S. C. Cheng, W. F. HsiehInstability of a spontaneously formed multiple-flux vortex in polariton condensates第一順位Solid State Communications213 1-5 Polariton condensates; Quantized vortices 
7104120159T. W. Chen, W. F. Hsieh, S. C. ChengStable gray soliton pinned by a defect in a microcavity-polariton condensate第一順位Optics Express23 24974  
81051201610Ting-Wei Chen, Shih-Da Jheng, Wen-Feng Hsieh, Szu-Cheng ChengDark solitons in a spinor microcavity-polariton condensate第一順位Superlattices and Microstructures98 96-101 Polariton condensate; Dark soliton 
9104220162S. C. Cheng, T. W. Chen, S. D. Jheng, W. F. HsiehDrag and critical velocities in a nonresonantly pumped trapped polariton condensate with a rotating defect第二順位Solid State Communications227 45-50 Critical velocity; Drag force; Exciton–polariton condensate; Superfluid 
10104220164T. W. Chen, S. D. Jheng, W. F. Hsieh, S. C. ChengThe synchronization and stability of exciton-polariton condensates第一順位Superlattice and Microstructures92 190-197  Exciton-polaritons; Synchronization; Spinor polaritons 
11104220165S. C. Cheng, Jing-Nuo Wu, T. W. ChenManipulation of Fluorescence from Gaussian distributed atoms in a coherent photonic-band-gap reservoir第三順位Computational Material Science117 564-572  Photonic crystal; Spontaneous emission; Bound state 
12104220165T. W. Chen, S. D. Jheng, W. F. Hsieh, S. C. ChengVortex and trapped states of microcavity-polariton condensates in a harmonic trap第一順位Computational Material Science117 579-583 Microcavity-polariton condensate; Vortex 
13104220165Ting-Wei Chen, Shih-Da Jheng, Wen-Feng Hsieh, Szu-Cheng ChengNonequilibrium and nonlinear defect states in microcavity-polariton condensates第一順位Physical Review E93 052214  
14105120171Ting-Wei Chen, Shih-Da Jheng, T F Jiang, Szu-Cheng ChengQuantum fluctuations and stability of vortex lattices in a nonresonantly pumped exciton polariton condensate第一順位Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter29 1-8 vortex lattice, condensate, exciton–polariton 
15106120181Ting-Wei Chen, Szu-Cheng ChengPolariton solitons and nonlinear localized states in a one-dimensional semiconductor microcavity第一順位Physical Review E97 012218 polariton, soliton, microcavity 
16106220183 Szu-Cheng Cheng and Ting-Wei ChenDark gap solitons in exciton-polariton condensates in a periodic potential第二順位Physical Review E97 032212 gap solitons 
17107120189Ting-Wei Chen and Szu-Cheng ChengSurface gap solitons in exciton polariton condensates第一順位Physical Review E98 032212 surface gap solitons 
18107220197Szu-Cheng Cheng, Shih-Da Jheng, Ting-Wei ChenNonequilibrium localized states at an interface between two mismatched potentials of exciton-polariton condensates第三順位Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures115 113651  
19107220197Shih-Da Jheng, Szu-Cheng Cheng, Ting-Wei ChenRing dark solitons in microcavity polariton condensates第三順位Solid State Communications300 113695  
20108120201Szu-Cheng Cheng, Shih-Da Jheng and Ting-Wei ChenRing-vortex solitons and their stabilities in microcavity polariton condensates第三順位Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics53 045401  
21108220203Szu-Cheng Cheng and Ting-Wei ChenTopological spin-Meissner states in nonequilibrium polariton condensates第二順位 Phys. Rev. B101  125304 exciton polaritons, Meissner effect 
22109120211Szu-Cheng Cheng, Shih-Da Jheng, and Ting-Wei ChenSynchronized full vortices as topological spin-Meissner states in spinor exciton–polariton condensates第三順位JOSA B38 544-549  
231101202111Szu-Cheng Cheng, Shih-Da Jheng, and Ting-Wei ChenHalf-skyrmions with higher topological quantum numbers in homogeneous exciton-polariton condensates第三順位Physical Review E104 054216  skyrmion, half-vortex 
24110120221Shih-Da Jheng, Ting-Wei Chen, Szu-Cheng ChengRotating vortex lattices mimicking a time crystal in a trapped exciton–polariton condensate第二順位Chinese Journal of Physics77 2576-2581 vortex lattices 

1100120118Ting-Wei Chen, Szu-Cheng heng, Wen-Feng HsiehBogoliubov Excitations of Inhomogeneous Polariton Condensate第一順位壁報發表 International Quantum Electronics Conference 2011 Sydney Australia 
21021201310Szu-Cheng Cheng, Ting-Wei Chen, Wen-Feng Hsieh Gap-Bloch States of Polariton Condensates in a Periodic Potential 第二順位口頭發表 Frontiers in Optics and laser science APS/DLS 2013 Orlando, Florida United States 
31031201410Ting-Wei Chen, Wen-Feng Hsieh, Szu-Cheng Cheng Pump-polarization dependent polaritonic skyrmion and vortex-ring in spinor exciton-polariton condensates 第一順位口頭發表 Frontiers in Optics and laser science APS/DLS 2014 Tucson, Arizona United States 
41041201510Ting-Wei Chen, Wen-Feng Hsieh, Szu-Cheng Cheng Localized defect modes in a nonresonantly pumped exciton-polariton condensate 第一順位壁報發表 Frontiers in Optics and laser science APS/DLS 2015 San Jose, California United States 
5105220177Ting-Wei Chen, Szu-Cheng ChengInstability of two-dimensional ring dark solitons in microcavity polariton condensates第一順位壁報發表 PLMCN18 Würzburg, Germany 
6107120188Ting-Wei Chen, Szu-Cheng ChengOptical Properties of Spinor Exciton-polariton Condensates in a Magnetic Field第一順位口頭發表 PIERS 2018 Toyama, Japan 

1102220146陳挺煒Theoretical Study of Exciton-Polariton Condensates in Semiconductor Microcavities成功大學博士論文 


31001201112出席國際研討會IPC 2011 (光電年會)台南市成功大學 
4100120118出席國際研討會IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011Sydney, Australia 
5100120118出席國際研討會OCPA7:7th joint meeting of Chinese physicists worldwide高雄市中山大學 
71011201210出席國際研討會Horizons of Quantum Physics台北市美僑協會 
9101120128出席國際研討會ICSCE-6:International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic SystemsStanford University, USA 
101021201310出席國際研討會Frontiers in Optics and laser science APS/DLS 2013Orlando, Florida United States 
111031201410出席國際研討會Frontiers in Optics and laser science APS/DLS 2014Tucson, Arizona United States 
13103220157出席國際研討會2015 The International Conference on the Strongly coupling between Light and Matter國立交通大學基礎科學教學研究大樓B1次軒廳 
15104220163出席國際研討會PLMCN17:17th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in NanostructuresTodaiji Temple Cultural Center, Nara, Japan 
16105220177出席國際研討會2017/07,PLMCN18:18th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures; Neubaukirche, Würzburg, Germany; (出席國際研討會)Germany 
17106120181出席國際研討會2018/01,2018中華民國物理年會; 國立台灣大學; (出席國際研討會)Taipei City 
18107120188出席國際研討會PIERS18:18th Progress In Electromagnetics Research SymposiumToyama, Japan 
