
1095120068Chin-Yun ChenComputing interval enclosures for definite integrals by application of triple adaptive strategies第一順位Computing78 81-99  
2095220076Chin-Yun ChenVerified computed Peano constants and applications in numerical quadrature第一順位BIT47 297-312  
3096220087Chin-Yun ChenBivariate Product Cubature Using Peano Kernels for Local Error Estimates第一順位J. Sci. Comput.36 69-88  
4100120118Chin-Yun ChenExtended interval Newton method based on the precise quotient set第一順位Computing92 297-315  
51011201212Chin-Yun ChenOn the properties of Sard kernels and multiple error estimates for bounded linear functionals of bivariate functions with application to non-product cubature第一順位Numerische Mathematik122 603-643  
6101220132Chin-Yun ChenA performance comparison of the zero-finding by extended interval Newton method for Peano monosplines第一順位Applied Mathematics and Computation219 6919-6930  

10881199912Chin-Yun ChenAdaptive Numerical Quadrature and Cubature with Automatic Result Verification第一順位口頭發表 1999年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會 Taipei 
2088220006Chin-Yun ChenInterval Analysis and its Application in Numerical Quadrature第一順位口頭發表 2000年(第五屆)計算數學研討會 台南 
3095220076Chin-Yun ChenDirect and Complete Application of Peano Kernel Theorem to the Error Estimates of Automatic Integration第一順位口頭發表 2007 Computational Mathematics Conference 高雄 
40971200812Chin-Yun ChenNumerical Error Estimates for Linear Functionals Approximation by Kernels Method第一順位口頭發表 2008 Mathematical and Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of ROC NTHU 
5099120109Chin-Yun ChenNumerical Discussions on Interval Newton Method Regarding Two Definitions of Extended Interval Division第一順位口頭發表 14th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Lyon, France 
6101120128Chin-Yun ChenNumerical computation of order-optimal error bounds for linear approximation with application第一順位口頭發表 C2C Workshop: Progress in Applied Mathematics Shanghai, China 
7101120129Chin-Yun ChenNumerical comparison of some verified approaches for approximate integration第一順位口頭發表 SCAN 2012 Novosibirsk, Russia 
8101120129Chin-Yun ChenAcceleration of the computational convergence of extended interval Newton method for a special class of functions第一順位口頭發表 SCAN 2012 Novosibirsk 
9103120148Chin-Yun ChenAn enhanced algorithmic method for the computation of higher derivatives of composite functions and their ranges第一順位口頭發表 The International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 Seoul, Korea 
10103220157Chin-Yun ChenCombining Derivative Free Method in The Error Estimation of Numerical Quadrature第一順位口頭發表 International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS) Okinawa, Japan 
11104120158Chin-Yun ChenUsing Hybrid Methods for Improving the Error Estimation of Numerical Cubature第一順位口頭發表 Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (APCEAS) Osaka, Japan 
12104220162Chin-Yun Chen*, Sing-Hua Tsai, Yun-Yi ChenUsing the Concept of Metric to Make the Easy-Learning of Fourier Series Possible 第一順位口頭發表 1st International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Computer, Basic and Applied Sciences Zhonghe, Taiwan 
13104220162Chin-Yun Chen*, Geok Ling Tey, Yit Ting Soo On the Remainder Bounds of Univariate Taylor Model and Taylor Formulas for Composite Functions 第一順位口頭發表 1st International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Computer, Basic and Applied Sciences Zhonghe, Taiwan 
14104220167Chin-Yun ChenImprovements in the Efficiency of Automatic Differentiation of Arbitrary Higher Orders 第一順位口頭發表 3rd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology  Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
15104220167Chin-Yun ChenImprovements in the Efficiency of Automatic Differentiation of Arbitrary Higher Orders第一順位口頭發表 3rd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology Singapore 
16105220173Wang-Ru Zhan, Ren-Jie Jhuang, Yu-Cheng Wu, Chin-Yun Chen*A Concept-guided Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning Model for Numerical Topics in the Department of Mathematics 其他壁報發表 TAIWAN E-LEARNING FORUM (TWELF 2017)  
17105220173Jun-Wei Haung, Tsung-Ying Lee, Chin-Yun Chen*A Web-Based Guidance Learning Model for Higher Computing Mathematics Topic Regarding Sturm Chains 第三順位壁報發表 TAIWAN E-LEARNING FORUM (TWELF 2017) National Central University 
18105220173Wei Hsiang Chao, Mim-Yuh Tsay, Chin-Yun Chen*A Question-Oriented E-Learning Model for Higher Abstract Mathematics Regarding Fourier Series 第三順位壁報發表 TAIWAN E-LEARNING FORUM (TWELF 2017) National Central University 
19105220173趙偉翔、蔡旻諭、陳琴韻問題導向數位學習模式設計於高等抽象數學之應用:以傅立葉級數的學習為例第三順位壁報發表 第12 屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 中壢,台灣 
20105220173黃俊瑋、李宗穎、陳琴韻引導式網路學習模式設計於大學計算數學主題之應用:以史篤姆鍊的學習為例第三順位壁報發表 第12 屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 中壢,台灣 
21105220173詹旺儒、莊仁傑、吳祐誠、陳琴韻概念引導之同步及非同步網路學習模式設計於大學數學系數值分析主題之應用其他壁報發表 第12 屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 中壢,台灣 
22105220173高筠雅、謝佩欣、朱雪莉、陳琴韻逐步推進的數位學習模式設計於微積分主題之理論學習應用其他壁報發表 第12 屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 中壢,台灣 
23106120178Chin-Yun ChenExtended Applications of Sturm Chains for Finding all the Single and Multiple Real Zeros of Polynomials第一順位壁報發表 Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science Bali, Indonesia 
24106220183陳琴韻A Concise and Content-Interrelated Online Leaming Model for Lagging Backward Learners in Calculus Study第一順位壁報發表 第十三屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 台中,台灣 
25107120188Chin-Yun ChenOn the Zero-Finding in Polynomials: A survey.第一順位口頭發表 International Conference on Alppied Physics and Mathematics Taipei, Taiwan 
26107120189Chin-Yun ChenOn the efficient quadrature for functions with peaks using successively factorized Taylor arith- metic第一順位口頭發表 SCAN2018 Tokyo, Japan 

30901200112計畫主持人教育部大學基礎科學-數學-教學改進計畫- 電腦網路教室及數學教學設備2001/01/012001/12/31554500
7094120058計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Computing Interval Enclosures for Singular Integrals (包含畸異積分區間之計算)2005/08/012006/07/31140000
8096120078計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Adaptive Computation of Singular Integrals by A Priori Local Error Estimates (藉由先驗的局部誤差估計進行畸異積分的適性計算)2007/08/012008/07/31366000
9097120088計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Research on the Sard Kernels of Linear Functionals and their Applications in Non-Product Cubature (線性泛函之撒耳得核研究及其於非積數值重積分之應用)2008/08/012009/07/31448000
10098120098計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Gauss Inclusion Procedures based Numerical Integrators2009/08/012010/07/31430000
11098120099共同主持人教育部國立嘉義大學98-99學年度教學卓越計畫 --- B1-1 核心課程品保發展策略 --- 發展優質品保課程社群 --- 微積分教學研究小組 (SE-I-001)2009/09/012010/06/300
12099120108計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Gauss Inclusion Procedures based Numerical Integrators2010/08/012011/07/31424000
13099120109計畫主持人教育部國立嘉義大學99學年度第一學期教學卓越計畫 --- C4-1 典範學習計畫--- 通識教育核心課程 --- 數理邏輯2010/09/012010/12/310
14099220114共同主持人教育部國立嘉義大學100年教學卓越計畫 --- C1-2院共同課程教材品保--- 程式設計2011/04/012011/09/300
161011201208計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Tesseroid 的重力效應數值計算探討 (1)2012/08/012013/10/31331000
171021201308計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Tesseroid 的重力效應數值計算探討 (2)2013/08/012014/10/31387000
191041201508計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Tesseroid 的重力效應數值計算探討 (3)2015/08/012016/07/31321000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫
201051201608計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會Tesseroid 的重力效應數值計算探討 (4)2016/08/012017/10/31320000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫
211061201708計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會橢圓積分之數值計算探討 (1)2017/08/012018/10/31594000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫
