
1094120061Chiou, Jyh-Shen and Chung-Chi ShenThe Effects of Satisfaction, Opportunism, and Asset Specificity on Consumers’ Loyalty Intention toward Internet Portal Sites第二順位International Journal of Service Industry Management17 7-22  
2095120071Chen, Chien-Wei, Chung-Chi Shen, and Wan-Yu ChiuMarketing Communication Strategies in Support of Product Launch: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Firms第二順位Industrial Marketing Management36 1046-1056  
3095120071Chiou, Jyh-Shen, Chia-Hung Hsieh, and Chung-Chi ShenProduct Innovativeness, Trade Show Strategy and Trade Show Performance: The Case of Taiwanese Global Information Technology Firms第三順位Journal of Global Marketing20 31-44  
4097120091Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouThe Effect of Community Identification on Attitude and Intention toward a Blogging Community第一順位Internet Research19 393-407  
5097120091王俊賢、沈宗奇、廖國芝知識管理績效評估之研究: 科技廠商之實證研究第二順位朝陽商管評論119-142  
6098120101Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouThe Impact of Perceived Ease of Use on Internet Service Adoption: The Moderating Effects of Temporal Distance and Perceived Risk第一順位Computers in Human Behavior26 42-50  
8099120111Shen, Chung-Chi, Jyh-Shen Chiou, and Biing-Shen KuoRemedies for Information Asymmetry in Online Transaction: An Investigation into the Impact of Web Page Signals on Auction Outcome第一順位Internet Research21 154-170  
91011201210Chiou, Jyh-Shen and Chung-Chi ShenThe Antecedents of Online Financial Service Adoption: The Impact of Physical Banking Services on Internet Banking第二順位Behaviour & Information Technology 
101041201510沈宗奇The Effect of Inbound Open Innovation on Firm Performance: Evidence from High-tech Industry第三順位Technological Forecasting and Social Change99 222-230  
111041201512沈宗奇How Quality of Life Affects Intention to Use Social Networking Sites: Moderating Role of Self-Disclosure第一順位Journal of Electronic Commerce Research16 276-289  
12103220154沈宗奇How Does Brand Misconduct Affect the Brand-Customer Relationship第二順位Journal of Business Research64 862-866  
131051201611沈宗奇Users Adoption of Mobile Applications: Product type and Message Framing’s Moderating Effect第一順位 Journal of Business Research68 2317-2321  
14104220162沈宗奇Service Innovation and New Product Performance: The Influence of Market-linking Capabilities and Market Turbulence其他International Journal of Production Economics172 54-64  
15104220166沈宗奇Multichannel Service Providers Strategy: Understanding Customers Switching and Free-riding Behavior第二順位Journal of Business Research69  2226-32  
16104220166沈宗奇Effective Marketing Communication via Social Networking Site: The Moderating Role of the Social Tie第一順位Journal of Business Research69 2265-70  
17105120171沈宗奇Consumer Choice of Multichannel Shopping: The Effects of Relationship Investment and Online Store Preference第三順位Internet Research27 2-20.  
18107220195沈宗奇The Effect of Threshold Free Shipping Policies on Online Shoppers Willingness to Pay for Shipping第二順位Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services48 105-112  

1093120051Chiou, Jyh-Shen, Chia-Hung Hsieh, and Chung-Chi ShenRelationship arketing Activities within a Trade Show: The Effect of Exhibitors’ Product Innovativeness第三順位書面發表 2005 International Colloquiums on Relationship Marketing  
2093120051Shen, Chung-Chi and Chen, Chien-WeiMarketing Communication Strategies for Launching Products: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Firms第一順位書面發表 10th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Region of Decision Sciences Institute  
3094120061Chiou, Jyh-Shen and Chung-Chi ShenThe Antecedents of Online Financial Service Adoption: The Interactive Relationships between Physical and Online Services第二順位書面發表 15th Annual AMA Frontiers in Service Conference  
4095120071Shen, Chung-Chi, Jyh-Shen Chiou, and Biing-Shen KuoBeyond the Reputation System: An Investigation into Valuable Signals Affecting Auction Outcome第一順位書面發表 2007 AMS World Marketing Congress  
5095120071Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouAn Investigation into Participants’ Bidding Behavior in Online Auction across Countries: Evidence form the eBay US and Taiwan第一順位書面發表 38th EMAC Conference  
6095120071Shen, Chung-Chi, Jyh-Shen Chiou, and Biing-Shen KuoDoes Role of Signal on Mitigating Information Asymmetry Vary with Product Usage Condition? Evidence from eBay第一順位書面發表 WDSI 36th Annual Meeting  
7096120081Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouThe Internet Service Provider’s Dilemma: User Friendly Design or Robust Security Mechanism第一順位書面發表 IEEE APSCC 2008 Conference  
8096120081Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouAntecedents of Tax Evasion in Online Transaction: An Integrated Perspective of Business Ethics and Law Enforcement第一順位書面發表 2008 AMS Cultural Perspective Conference  
9097120091Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouThe Effect of Community Identification on Attitude and Intention toward a Blogging Community第一順位書面發表 AMA 2009 Summer Educators’ Conference  
10097120091Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouDoes User-Friendly Always Matter? The Moderating Role of Temporal Distance and Information Asymmetry第一順位書面發表 AMS 2009 Annual Conference  
11097120091Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouInstitution Fit and Network Externality: Implication for International E-commerce第一順位書面發表 AIB 2009 Annual Conference  
12098120101沈宗奇,侯亦真知覺公平對顧客滿意行為之研究:服務補救類型、失誤類型及交易關係之整合觀點第一順位書面發表 2010年全球品牌與服務業行銷學術研討會 台北 
13098120101沈宗奇、董維、蕭至惠、蕭幃?網路評論可信度之研究-探討訊息品質對購買意圖之影響關係第一順位書面發表 2010全球變局下之管理創新國際研討會 台北 
14098120101沈宗奇,陳詠洵名人代言與產品形象差異對廣告效果之研究第一順位書面發表 2010第六屆企業國際化理論與實務研討  
15098120101沈宗奇、邱宗治、簡正一網路口碑與涉入程度對品牌態度影響之研究第一順位書面發表 2010年中華商管科技學會年會暨學術研討會 屏東 
16098120101蕭至惠、蔡進發、蔡錦樺、沈宗奇品牌延伸、回饋效果與總體契合度對共品牌價值之影響-以夥伴品牌為例其他書面發表 2010第六屆臺灣行銷學術研討會 台北 
17098120101蕭至惠、蔡進發、蔡森竹、沈宗奇網路緩衝的時間填補機制對網路使用者等待時間知覺之影響-以旅遊網站的插播式廣告為例第一順位書面發表 2010第六屆臺灣行銷學術研討會  台北 
18098120101Lin, Yung-Chuan, Chung-Chi Shen, and I-Ling LingThe Effects of Online Feedback Ratings on Consumers’ Trust and Risk Perception第二順位書面發表 2010 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute  
19100120121Shen, Chung-Chi and Jyh-Shen ChiouBrand Attachment and Customer Loyalty: The Moderating Roles of Need for Uniqueness and Product Publicity第一順位書面發表 22th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference  
20100120121Yang, Chun-Ming, Edward Ku, and Chung-Chi ShenOn the Interpersonal Transmission of Luck第三順位書面發表 2012 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference  
21101120128Shen, C.C., J.S. Chiou and , C.M. Yang, S.Y. Chou How Quality of Life Affects Social Networking Site Use Intention: Role of Perceived Self Disclosure and Social Tie Quality第一順位口頭發表 2012 AMA Summer Educators Conference  
22101220136沈宗奇A Permanent Trip: The Impact of Travel Agent’s Blog on Customers Experience and Loyalty第一順位口頭發表 23th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference  
23103120148沈宗奇The Impacts of Parents Brand Sensitivity, Peer Pressure, Source Credibility, and Self-concept on Teenagers Brand Loyalty第一順位口頭發表 2014 AMA Summer Conference  
24103220156沈宗奇Playing Game or Searching Information How Brand Equity and Shopping Value Affect Consumer Response第一順位口頭發表 AP-ACR Conference  
25104220165沈宗奇Threshold Free Shipping Policy: Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Shipping Charge for Online Shopping第二順位口頭發表 EMAC  
26105120168沈宗奇Advergame on Communication: The Moderating Roles of Brand Awareness, Game Experience and Persuasion Knowledge第一順位口頭發表 2016 AMA Summer Conference  
27105120168沈宗奇How Product, Website, and Personal Traits Affect Consumer’s Choice of Multichannel Shopping第一順位口頭發表 2016 AMA Summer Conference  
28105220176沈宗奇Understanding Flight Attendant’s Job Satisfaction and Service Behavior: Moderating Role of Consumer Orientation第一順位口頭發表 26th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference  
29106120178沈宗奇Message Sidedness and Sponsorship: Examining the Effects of Source Expertise on Communication Effectiveness第一順位口頭發表 2017 AMA Summer Conference  
30108120198沈宗奇Is Game Fit the Brand Influence of Brand Awareness and Advertising Literacy第一順位口頭發表 2019 AMA Summer Conference  
31108120198沈宗奇The Impact of Brand Attachment and Brand Image on Brand Attitude-Exploring the Moderating Roles of Brand Jealousy and Brand Positioning第一順位口頭發表 2019 AMA Summer Conference  
32108220202沈宗奇An Empirical Study on Consumer Intention for Responsible Tourism第二順位口頭發表 2020 AMA Winter Conference  


1094220066出席國際研討會15th Annual AMA Frontiers in Service ConferenceBrisbane, Australia.  
20952200707召集人或編輯委員參與期刊編輯與審查International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector  
3095220075出席國際研討會38th EMAC ConferenceIceland 
4095220077出席國際研討會2007 AMS World Marketing CongressItaly 
50962200802主編、副主編參與期刊編輯與審查 International Journal of Information and Decision Science 
6096120081出席國際研討會2008 AMS-CPM ConferenceNew Orleans, USA 
7098120098出席國際研討會AMA 2009 Summer Educators’ Conference Chicago, USA. 
80992201106主編、副主編參與期刊編輯、審查、與期刊發展策略建議Internet Research 
9100220126出席國際研討會AIB 2009 Annual ConferenceSan Diego, USA. 
10100220126出席國際研討會22th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference Washington D.C., USA  
11101120128出席國際研討會2012 AMA Summer Educators ConferenceChicago, IL. 
12101120128出席國際研討會2012 AMA Summer Educators ConferenceChicago, IL. 
13101220136出席國際研討會 23th Annual Frontiers in Service ConferenceTaipei, Taiwan. 
14103120148出席國際研討會2014 AMA Summer ConferenceSan Francisco, USA. 
15103220156出席國際研討會AP-ACR ConferenceHong-Kong 
16104220165出席國際研討會EMAC Conference Oslo, Norway 
17104220166出席國際研討會2016 AMA Summer ConferenceAtlanta, USA. 
18105120168出席國際研討會2016 AMA Summer Conference Atlanta, USA. 
19105220176出席國際研討會26th Annual Frontiers in Service ConferenceNew York City, USA  
20106120178出席國際研討會2017 AMA Summer ConferenceSan Francisco, USA. 
21108120198出席國際研討會2019 AMA Summer ConferenceChicago, USA 
22108120198出席國際研討會2019 AMA Summer Conference Chicago, USA. 
23108120201出席國際研討會2020 AMA Winter ConferenceSan Diego 
24108220207出席國際研討會The Impacts of Social Influence on Online Brand Community Participation,” 2020 AMS-WMCAustralia