
1094220063Chen, C. B., Lin, C. T., Wang, C. H., and Chang, C. W., Model for measuring quality of software in DVRS using the gap concept and fuzzy schemes with GA第三順位Information and Software Technology48  Digital video recorder system; Software quality measurement; l-Fuzzy measure; Fuzzy integral; Choquet integral; Genetic algorithm 
2095220074Lu, I. Y., Wang, C. H., and Mao, C. H.Technology innovation and knowledge management in the high tech industry第二順位International Journal of Technology Management39 3-14 Knowledge Management (KM); technology innovation; high technology firms. 
3095220075Lu, I. Y., Chen, C. B., and Wang, C. H.,Fuzzy multi Attribute analysis for evaluating firm technological innovation capability第三順位International Journal of Technology Management114-130 Technology innovation capabilities, fuzzy MADM, AHP 
4096220086Lin, L. H., and Wang, C. H., and Lu, I. Y.,Half-price purchase warranties as signals of product quality: A game theory approach第二順位Journal of Management,25 381-396 Half-price warranty, product quality, game theory, signaling model, automobile industry 
5096220086Wang, C. H., Lu, I. Y., and Chen, C. B.,Evaluating firm technological innovation capability under uncertainty.第一順位Technovation28  349–363 echnology innovation capabilities, fuzzy measure, non-additive fuzzy integral 
60991201012Lu, I. Y., Mao, C. H., and Wang, C. HIntrafirm technology and knowledge transfer: a best practice perspective第三順位International Journal of Technology Management49 338-356 resource-based view; knowledge management; benchmarking; 
7098220107Wang, C. H., Lu, I. Y., and Chen, C. B.,Mining the R and D Innovation performance processes for high-tech firm based on rough set theory第一順位Technovation30 447-458 R and D innovation Rule induction Cause-and-effect relationship Rough settheory Flow networkgraph 
8099120108Lu, Y. H, Wang, C. H., and Lee, C. H.The Difference Analysis of Technology Efficiency of the Life Insurance Companies in Taiwan, – The Application of Matefrontier DEA Model,第二順位Journal of Economics and Management  
9099220116Chun-Hsien Wang, Chung-Te Ting, Chin-Wei HuangAn Efficiency Comparison of high Tech Firm R and D Innovation under Different Environment Conditions第一順位Asia Pacific Management Review16  Performance measurement, R and D, high tech industries, system-DEA, non-homogeneity firms, specific organizational factor, mutual learning effect. 
10100220122Wang, C. H., *Lee, J. Y., and Yi-Hua ChangMeasuring productivity index for Taiwan’s biotech industry-application of Global Malmquist Index,第一順位Applied Economics Letters19 807-812 biotechnology firms, circularity, contemporaneous Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), global MPI 
11100220123Lin, W. S., and Wang, C. H.,Antecedences to continued intentions of adopting e-learning system in blended learning instruction: A contingency framework based on models of information system success and task-technology fit第二順位Computers and Education58  Improving classroom teaching, Teaching, learning strategies 
12100220123Lo, C. C., *Wang, C. H. Pei-Yu Chien, and Chien-Wei HungAn Empirical Study of Commercialization Performance on Nanoproducts第二順位Technovation32 168-178 Nanotechnology,Commercialization performance, Importance,performance analysis,Marketing strategic 
13100220123Wang, C. H., Lu, Y. H., and Huang, C. W., and Lee, J. Y.,R and D, productivity, and market value: an empirical study from high-technology firms第一順位OMEGA, International Journal of Management Science R and D valuechain, Intermediate outputs, Profitability efficiency, Marketability efficiency, 
14100220123Wong, J. T., Su, C. T., and Wang, C. H., Stochastic dynamic lot-sizing problem using bi-level programming base on artificial intelligence techniques第三順位Applied Mathematical Modeling  
15101220132Wang, C. H., Lu, Y. H., and Huang, C. W., and Lee, J. Y.,R and D, productivity, and market value: an empirical study from high-technology firms第一順位OMEGA, International Journal of Management Science41 143-155 high-technology firms, R and D 
16101220136Lo, C. C., *Wang, C.H. and Huang, C. C., The national innovation system in the Taiwanese photovoltaic industry: A multiple stakeholder perspective第三順位Technological forecasting and Social Change80 893-906  
17101220137Wang, C.H., and Chien, P.Y.,Exploring the nanotechnology alliances of nanotechnology firms: the roles of network position and technological uncertainty,第一順位Science Technology and Society,18 139-164  
18102120141Wang, C.H.A longitudinal study of innovation competence and quality management on firm performance第一順位 Innovation Management, Policy and Practice26 392-403  
191041201510Wang, C. H., Chang C.H., and Shen, G. C.The Effect of Inbound Open Innovation on Firm Performance: Evidence from High-Tech Industry第一順位Technological Forecasting and Social Change99 222-230  
20103220156Tsai, H.T., Huang, S.Z., and Wang, C.H.,Cross-border R and D alliance networks: An empirical study of the umbilical cord blood banking industry in emerging markets第三順位Asian Journal of Technology Innovation23 383-406  
21104120161Shen, Y. C., *Chen, P.S., and Wang, C.H.,A study of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system performance measurement using the quantitative balanced scorecard approach,第三順位Computers in Industry75 127-139  
22104220162Chen, K. H., *Wang, C. H., Huang, S. Z., and Shen, G.C., Service innovation and new product performance The influence of market-linking capabilities and market turbulence第二順位 International Journal of Production Economics172 54-64  
23104220166Shen, G.C., Chiou, J.S., Hsiao, C. H., Wang, C.H., Li, H.NEffective marketing communication via social networking site: The moderating role of the social tie第三順位Journal of Business Research69 2265-2270  
241061201711Tsai, C.M., and *Wang, C.H.,Linking service innovation to firm performance: the roles of ambidextrous innovation and marker orientation capability第一順位China Management Studies11 730-750  
25106120179Wang, C.H., and Quan, X.I.,The effect of R and D alliance diversity and network position on firm innovation performance: evidence from the emerging biotechnology industry第一順位Science Technology and Society22 407-424  
26106120179Yu, X., Li, D., Tsai, M. C., Wang, C.H.,The role of psychological capital in employee creativity第三順位Career Development International24 420-437  
271081201912Chun-Hsien Wang; Xiaohong Iris QuanThe role of external technology scouting in inbound open innovation generation: Evidence from high-technology industries第一順位IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management68 1558-1569 Absorptive capacity, inbound open innovation generation, open innovation, technology scouting, technology uncertainty. 
28107220193Chen, Q., Wang, C.H., and Huang. S.H.Effects of organizational innovation and technological innovation capabilities on firm performance: Evidence from firms in China’s Pearl River Delta第二順位Asia Pacific Business Review,26 72-96  
29107220195Chunhsien Wang,Min-Nan Chen and Ching-Hsing ChangThe double-edged effect of knowledge search on innovation generations 第一順位European Journal of Innovation Management23 156-176  
301091202011Haixu Bao, Chunhsien Wang, Ronggen TaoExamining the effects of governmental networking with environmental turbulence on the geographic searching of business model innovation generations第二順位Journal of Knowledge Management25 157-174 s Emerging market, Business model innovation, Environment turbulence, Geographic searching, Governmental networking 
311111202210Chun-Hsien WangHow firms’ openness promotes radical innovation performance: The joint interaction effects of political ties and business ties, 第一順位Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 66 101705 Openness, Business ties, Political ties, Resource dependence theory, Institutional theory, Complementary effect 
32110220227Chun-Hsien WangBusiness-to-business platform ecosystem practices and their impacts on firm performance: evidence from high-tech manufacturing firms第一順位 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management33 1005-1026 B2B platform ecosystem, Market innovativeness, Organizational innovativeness, Technological innovativeness, Product platform strategy 
33111220233Chun Hsuen WangSupply chain capital and firm performance: The role of complementary capabilities第一順位Journal of Intellectual Capital24 560-579  
34111220234Chun Hsuen WangOpen Innovation and Organizational Ambidexterity第三順位European Journal of Innovation Management26 862-884  
351131202410Cheng, H. l. and Wang, C.H.,Exploration-oriented high-tech manufacturers’ export marketing internalization in emerging markets: The moderating role of relational ties with supply chain peers 第二順位Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing39 070-2087 resource-based view, exploration orientation, relational ties, industry peers, export marketing internalization, branding, channels. 
361131202410Wang, C.H.Innovation subsidies and entrepreneurial activity in an emerging market第一順位International Journal of Emerging Markets19 3353-3373  
371131202411Shen, Y. C., and Wang, C.H., Why to be a maker Personal values as motivational goals第二順位R and D Management54 1040-1062  
38112220243Chun Hsuen WangHow geographic diversity and collaborative breadth prevent knowledge leakage during open innovation processes第一順位Journal of Knowledge Management28 743-762  
39113120251Wang, C. H., Wu, C.C., and Ou, C. C., Does intellectual capital matter in small and medium–sized enterprise (SME) decisions Roles of resource integration capability and top management team involvement.第一順位Journal of Intellectual Capital26 229-252 Intellectual capital, decision making, small and medium–sized enterprises, top management team involvement, resource integration capability 

2098220103Wang, C.H., Hsien, C.H,R and D value chain efficiency analysis: an empirical study from high-technology firms第一順位口頭發表 IAMOT 2010 Marriott Cairo Hotel, Cairo, Egypt 
4102220147Wang, C.H., Lo. C.C., Chien, PFirms Open Innovation Strategy and Performance from Knowledge-based View第一順位口頭發表 PICMET 2014 Conference ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Kanazawa, Japan 
5104120158Wang, C.H, Chang, C.h., Lo, C.C.,Alliance partners diversity for open innovation: the role of network position and external knowledge acquisition第一順位口頭發表 PICMET 2015 Hilton Portland and Executive Tower, Portland, Ore 
6104120158Wang, C.H., Huamg, S.Z., Shen, George, C., Lin, P.J.,Co-innovation network driven entrepreneurship in high-tech technology-evidences from China第一順位口頭發表 PICMET 2015 Conference Hilton Portland and Executive Tower, Portland, Ore 
7105220176Wang, C.H.,Linking Firm Openness and Innovation: The Moderating Role of External Knowledge Search strategy第一順位口頭發表 SOItmC and Riga Technical Univ. 2017 Conference  Riga, Latvia 
8105220177Wang, C.H.,Chen, C. B., Lin, C. T.,Unpacking network ties: The moderating effects of technology diversity on technology alliance portfolios第一順位口頭發表 EURO 2016 Poznan, Poland 
9106120178Wang, C.H., and Quan, X. I., Enriching innovation generation through external technology scouting in an uncertain technological environment第一順位口頭發表 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society/TEMSCON  IEEE TEMS-ISIE, Beijing, China 
10106220184Wang, C.H., Quan, X. I., Tsai, M. C., Chang, C.H., Reciprocal complementarity in use between the knowledge linkages and organizational innovation第一順位口頭發表 IEEE TEMS-ISIE, Beijing, China Beijing, China 
11108120198Wang, C.H., and Chin, T.New product development in platform business ecosystems: Evidence from high-technology manufacturing firms第一順位口頭發表 PICMET 2019 Conference, Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems Hilton Portland Downtown, Portland, Oregon, USA 

10981200912王俊賢Half-price purchase warranties for the durable....  
20982201006王俊賢創新、品質、績效之相關議題:(一)衝突或互補 科技廠商創新.....  

3099120108計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會(一)衝突或互補 科技廠商創新、品質與績效關聯性再探,(二)科技產業特性是否會影響創新、品質與績效 多層級多來源之實證2010/08/012011/07/31512000