
10941200512Wung BS, Hsu MC., Wu CC. and Hsieh CW Resveratrol suppresses IL-6-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in endothelial cells: effects on the inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation. 其他Life sciences78 389-397  
2094120061Wung BS, Hsu MC, Wu CC and Hsieh CW Piceatannol upregulates endothelial heme oxygenase-1 expression via novel protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase pathways. 第三順位Pharmacol. Res53 113-122  
3094120061賴姵樺, 孫永偉, 謝佳雯, 翁炳孫非毒性劑量下肉桂醛提高第一型血紅素氧化酶基因表現第三順位臺灣農業化學與食品科學44 283-291  
4094220062Wung BS, Hsu MC, Wu CC, Hsieh CW.Piceatannol upregulates endothelial heme oxygenase-1 expression via novel protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase pathways. 其他Pharmacol Res53 113-122  
5094220065Wu CC, Hsu MC, Hsieh CW, Lin JB, Lai PH, Wung BS.Upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 by Epigallocatechin-3-gallate via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and ERK pathways. 第三順位Life Sci78 2889-2897  
6094220065Wung BS, Wu CC, Hsu MC, Hsieh CW15-Deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) suppresses IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation via electrophilic reactivity in endothelial cells. 第一順位Life Sci78 3035-3042  
7094220065賴姵樺, 孫永偉, 謝佳雯, 翁炳孫 非毒性劑量下肉桂醛提高第一型血紅素氧化?基因表現。第三順位臺灣農業化學與食品科學.44 283-291  
8095120068Wu CC, Hsieh CW, Lai PH, Lin JB, Liu YC, Wung BSUpregulation of endothelial heme oxygenase-1 expression through the activation of the JNK pathway by sublethal concentrations of acrolein. 第二順位Toxicol Appl Pharmacol214 244-252  
9095220073Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Wu CC, Wung BS.Chalcone inhibits the activation of NF-kappaB and STAT3 in endothelial cells via endogenous electrophile. 第一順位Life Sci.80 1420-1430  
10096120081Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Weng YC, Chuang SH, Hsieh CY, Wung BSSulforaphane inhibition of monocyte adhesion via the suppression of ICAM-1 and NF-kappaB is dependent upon glutathione depletion in endothelial cells. 第二順位Vascul Pharmacol48 54-61  
11096120081Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Weng YC , Chuang SH, Hsieh CY and Wung BSSulforaphane inhibition of monocyte adhesion via the suppression of ICAM-1and NF-κB is dependent upon glutathione depletion in endothelial cells. 第二順位Vascul Pharmacol48 54-61  
120971200810Chen LG, Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Liao BC, Wung BS.Tannin 1-alpha-O-galloylpunicalagin induces the calcium-dependent activation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in endothelial cells. 第三順位Mol Nutr Food Res52 1162-1171  
13096220084Chen LG, Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Liao BC, Wung BSTannin 1-alpha-O-galloylpunicalagin induces the calcium-dependent activation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in endothelial cells.第三順位Mol Nutr Food Res52 1162-1171  
14096220086Yang YL, Hsieh CW,, Wo YY, Yang YC, Lu KT Intra-amygdaloid infusion of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (EGb761) facilitates fear-potentiated startle in rats第二順位Psychopharmacology (Berl)202 187-196  
15096220086Liao BC, Hsieh CW, Liu YC, Tzeng TT, Sun YW, Wung BSCinnamaldehyde inhibits the tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules in endothelial cells by suppressing NF-kappaB activation: Effects upon IkappaB and Nrf2.第二順位Toxicol Appl Pharmacol229 161-171  
16096220086Liao BC, Hsieh CW, Liu YC, Tzeng TT, Sun YW, Wung BS.Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules in endothelial cells by suppressing NF-kappaB activation: effects upon IkappaB and Nrf2. 第二順位Toxicol Appl Pharmacol229 161-171  
17096220087Lu KT, Ko MC, Chen BY, Huang JC, Hsieh CW, Lee MC, Chiou RY, Wung BS, Peng CH, Yang YLNeuroprotective Effects of Resveratrol on MPTP-Induced Neuron Loss Mediated by Free Radical Scavenging其他J Agric Food Chem56 6910-6913  
18097120088Lu KT, Ko MC, Chen BY, Huang JC, Hsieh CW, Lee MC, Chiou RY, Wung BS, Peng CH, Yang YL.Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol on MPTP-induced neuron loss mediated by free radical scavenging. 其他J Agric Food Chem.56 6910-6913  
19097220092Chen KL, Kho WL, You SH, Yeh RH, Tang SW, Hsieh CWEffects of Bacillus subtilis var. natto and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mixed fermented feed on the enhanced growth performance of broilers第一順位Poult Sci88 309-315  
20097220092Chen KL, Kho WL, You SH, Yeh RH, Tang SW, Hsieh CW,Chen KL, Kho WL, You SH, Yeh RH, Tang SW, Hsieh CW,. Effects of Bacillus subtilis var. natto and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mixed fermented feed on the enhanced growth performance of broilers. 其他Poult Sci88 309-315  
21098120098Wei YS, Wung BS, Lin YC, Hsieh CW.Isolating a cytoprotective compound from Ganoderma tsugae: effects on induction of Nrf-2-related genes in endothelial cells. 第一順位Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.73 1757-1763  
220991201012Chen CC, Chen HL, Hsien CW, Yang YL, Wung BSUpregulation of NF-E2-related factor-2-dependent glutathione by carnosol provokes a cytoprotective response and enhances cell survival第三順位Acta Pharmacol Sin87 743-749  
230991201012Chen CC, Ke WH, Ceng LH, Hsieh CW, Wung BS.Calcium- and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-dependent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by apigenin.其他Life Sci87 743-749  
24098220105Lian KC, Chuang JJ, Hsieh CW, Wung BS, Huang GD, Jian TY, Sun YW.Dual mechanisms of NF-kappaB inhibition in carnosol-treated endothelial cells. 第三順位Toxicol Appl Pharmacol245 21-35  
25098220107Liao BC, Hsieh CW, Lin YC, Wung BS.The glutaredoxin/glutathione system modulates NF-kappaB activity by glutathionylation of p65 in cinnamaldehyde-treated endothelial cells. 第二順位Toxicol Sci. 116 151-163  
26099120111Chen CC, Chen HL, Hsieh CW, Yang YL, Wung BSUpregulation of NF-E2-related factor-2-dependent glutathione by carnosol provokes a cytoprotective response and enhances cell survival. 第三順位Acta Pharmacol Sin32 62-69  
271001201112Chou HL, Dai Z, Hsieh CW, Ku MS.High level expression of Acidothermus cellulolyticus β-1, 4-endoglucanase in transgenic rice enhances the hydrolysis of its straw by cultured cow gastric fluid.第一順位Biotechnol Biofuels 58  
28100220125Lin YC, Huang GD, Hsieh CW, Wung BS.The glutathionylation of p65 modulates NF-κB activity in 15-deoxy-Δ¹²,¹⁴-prostaglandin J₂-treated endothelial cells. 第三順位Free Radic Biol Med52 1844-1853  
29101220137Hsieh CW, Lu YR, Lin SM, Lai TY, Chiou RYStability of Monacolin K and Citrinin and Biochemical Characterization of Red-Koji Vinegar during Fermentation.其他J Agric Food Chem61 7276–7283  
30102220145Yeh PY, Li CY, Hsieh CW, Yang YC, Yang PM, Wung BSCO-releasing molecules and increased heme oxygenase-1 induce protein S-glutathionylation to modulate NF-κB activity in endothelial cells.第三順位Free Radic Biol Med70 1-13  
31102220147Yang YC, Huang YT, Hsieh CW, Yang PM, Wung BS. Carbon monoxide induces heme oxygenase-1 to modulate STAT3 activation in endothelial cells via S-glutathionylation.第三順位PLoS Onee100677  
321051201612Yang PM, Huang YT, Zhang YQ, Hsieh CW, Wung BS.Carbon monoxide releasing molecule induces endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation through a calcium and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt mechanism. 其他Vascul Pharmacol87 209-218  
33104220162謝佳雯(Chia-Wen Hsieh) ; 邱盈綺(Ying-Chi Chiu) ; 王鵬翔(Peng-Shieng Wang) ; 林瑞樺(Jui-Hua Lin)自台灣傳統發酵蔬菜中篩選具益生菌潛力之功能性乳酸菌。第一順位嘉大農林學報13 81-93  
34104220162陳柏翰, 謝佳雯, 陳立耿, 朱紀實, 王紹鴻24. 陳柏翰(Bo-Han Chen) ; 謝佳雯(Chia-Wen Hsieh) ; 陳立耿(Lih-Geeng Chen) ; 朱紀實(Chi-Shih Chu) ; 王紹鴻(Shao-Hung Wang)。植物乳桿菌酸休眠突變對豆漿發酵過程中異黃酮類與γ-胺基丁酸之改變。第二順位嘉大農林學報13 15-27  
35105120171Robin Y.-Y. Chiou, Po-Chang Chiu, Ju-Chun Chang, Yu-Jang Li, Chia-Wen Hsieh, Jin-Yi Wu, Shu-Mei Lin,Discovery of New Stilbene Antioxidants of the Bio-Elicited Peanut Sprout Powder (BPSP) and Longevity Extension of Mice Fed with BPSP-Supplemented Diets.其他Food and Nutrition Sciences2017 10.4236/fns.2017.81010  
36105120171Robin Y.-Y. Chiou, Po-Chang Chiu, Ju-Chun Chang, Yu-Jang Li, Chia-Wen Hsieh, Jin-Yi Wu, Shu-Mei Lin, Discovery of New Stilbene Antioxidants of the Bio-Elicited Peanut Sprout Powder (BPSP) and Longevity Extension of Mice Fed with BPSP-Supplemented Diets其他Food and Nutrition Sciences141-162  
37106120178Yu-Fan Liu, Chia-Wen Hsieh, Yao-Sheng Chang, and Being-Sun WungEffect of acetic acid on ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis mutant strains through continuous adaptation第二順位BMC Biotechnology17 63  
38106120181Yeh RH, Hsieh CW, Chen KLScreening lactic acid bacteria to manufacture two-stage fermented feed and pelleting to investigate the feeding effect on broilers第二順位Poult Sci97 239-246  
39106120181Chen LG, Zhang YQ, Wu ZZ, Hsieh CW, Chu CS, Wung BSPeanut arachidin-1 enhances Nrf2-mediated protective mechanisms against TNF-α-induced ICAM-1 expression and NF-κB activation in endothelial cells.其他 Int J Mol Med41 541-547  
40106220184Hsieh CW, Lin YW, Chen CH, Ku WJ, Ma FC, Yu HM, Chu CYellow and green pigments from Calophyllum inophyllum L. seed oil induce cell death in colon and lung cancer cells. Onocology Letters第一順位Oncology Letters15 5915-5923  
41107220196Puspa Puspita, Hsieh Chia-Wen, and Chang Yao-ShengProduction of Ethanol by Zymomonas Mobilis Mutant : The Effects of Sodium Acetate at pH 5 and No Control pH.第二順位International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications10 80-86  
421091202010Chishih Chu*, Chiawen Hsia, Jun-Yu TsaiPathogenic Fungi and Bacteria from Homogenates and Commercial Beverages of Auricularia polytricha第二順位American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences,26-30 Auricularia polytricha, bacterium, fruiting body, fungus, pathogen, stalk 
4310922021634. Yang PM, Cheng KC, Huang JY, Wang SY, Lin YN, Tseng YT, Hsieh CW, Wung BSSulforaphane inhibits blue light-induced inflammation and apoptosis by upregulating the SIRT1/PGC-1α/Nrf2 pathway and autophagy in retinal pigment epithelial cells其他Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.15 1-18  
441111202210Istiqomah Hariyanto, Chia-Wen Hsieh, Yueh-Han Hsu, Lih-Geng Chen, ChiShih Chu, Brian Bor-Chun WengIn Vitro and mIn Vivo Assessments of Anti-Hyperglycemic Properties of Soybean Residue Fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus and Lactiplantibacillus plantaru第二順位Life12 1-15  
45111120231Ruei-Han Yeh Chia-Wen Hsieh and Kuo-Lung ChenTwo-Stage Fermented Feather Meal Enhances Growth Performance and Amino Acid Digestibility in Broilers 第二順位Fermentation128-146  
46111220232Brian Bor-Chun Weng , Hung-De Yuana, Lih-Geeng Chena, Chishish Chu a and Chia-Wen HsiehSoy yoghurt produced with efficient GABA (-aminobutyric acid) producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum ameliorate hyperglycaemia and re-established gut microbiota in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice其他Food Function14 1699-1709  

1083219953上田賢治、謝佳雯、掘之內末治Streptomyces griseus の気菌糸形成開始の制御遺伝子amfRに対するA-ファクター依存性転写調節蛋白の同定および精製。 第一順位書面發表 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集 日本 
2085219973謝佳雯、上田賢治、掘之內末治Streptomyces griseusの気菌糸形成開始の制御遺伝子に対するA-ファクター依存性転写調節蛋白のクローニング。第一順位書面發表 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集 日本 
3086219983謝佳雯、掘之內末治Streptomyces griseus におけるA-ファクター依存性転写因子AdpBによる気菌糸形成開始の制御機構。第一順位書面發表 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集 日本 
4087119991Lai, G. M., Hsieh, C. W., Chen, Y. F. and Chuang, S. ERole of MEK/MAPK pathway for Human-Urine-Extract and ARA-induced growth arrest and differentiation in HL-60 cells.第一順位書面發表  The 4th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference,  台北市 
5087119991陳偉志, 謝佳雯, 唐宗寅, 劉文雄Arthrobacter simplex 膽固醇氧化酵素基因之選殖與表現第一順位書面發表 中國農業化學會第37次會員大會  
6087219995Ch’uang, H. J., Shuang, S. E., Hsieh, C. W. and Lai, G. M. Potentiation of Taxol cytotoxicity by Human-Urine-Extract in MCF7/ADR cells.第一順位書面發表  AACR Annual Meeting USA 
7087219995Lai, G. M., Hsieh, C. W., Chen, Y. F. and Chuang, S. EInduction of differentiation and apoptosis in human leukemia (HL-60) cells by Human-Urine-Extract and augmented by all-trans retinoic acid.第一順位書面發表 AACR Annual Meeting USA 
8088119998Ch’uang, H. J., Shuang, S. E., Hsieh, C. W. and Lai, G. M Enhancement of Taxol cytotoxicity may correlated with down regulation of ErbB2 protein and inhibition of P-glycoprotein function in MCF7/ADR cells by Human-Urine-Extract. 第一順位書面發表 The 4th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference 台北市 
9093120051Tsai, R. L., Hsieh, C. W. Isolation and characterization of secreted fibrinolytic enzymes from Bacillus subtilis var. natto HC-3 using a combined method of SDS-PAGE and zymography. 第一順位書面發表 2005年全球華人保健食品科技大會研討會專輯 台北市 
10093120051Liu, Y. C., Hsieh,C. W., Wung, B. S.Piceatannol upregulates endothelial heme oxygenase-1 expression via novel protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase pathways. 第一順位書面發表 Symposium on Phytochemicals: Bioactivity, Genomics, and Proteomics.  
11093120051Wei, Y. S., Wung, B. S., Hsieh, C. W.Ethanol extracts of Ganoderma tsugae induced Hemooxygenase-1 expression in endothelial cell. 第一順位書面發表 Symposium on Phytochemicals: Bioactivity, Genomics, and Proteomics  
12093120051李筱羚、柯瑋羚、謝佳雯、陳國隆以Bacillus natto生產之γ-PGA與2價Cu 結合產生γ-PGA-2價Cu複合物之探討。第一順位書面發表 中國畜牧學會會誌  
130941200512魏鈺珊、翁炳孫、謝佳雯Ethanol extracts of Ganoderma tsugae induced hemooxygenase-1 expression in endothelial cell。 。第一順位書面發表 植物化合物國際研討會  
14094120061陳姿雯、許忠民、謝佳雯、邱文石、陳國隆不同來源β-聚葡萄糖萃取及理化性狀之比較。 第一順位書面發表 中國畜牧學會會誌  
15094120061柯瑋羚、許晉嘉、羅登源、林炳宏、余碧、謝佳雯、陳國隆混合型益生菌發酵飼糧對0-3週齡肉雞生長性狀之影響。 第一順位書面發表 中國畜牧學會會誌  
16094120061陳聖潔、許忠民、楊力遠、謝佳雯、邱文石、陳國隆混合型益生菌發酵飼料對蛋雞生產及蛋品質之影響。第一順位書面發表 中國畜牧學會會誌  
17094120061葉瑞涵、張家菁、何祈龍、蘇天明、李恒夫、謝佳雯、陳國隆混合型益生菌發酵飼料對離乳仔豬生長及免疫性狀之影響。第一順位書面發表 中國畜牧學會會誌  
180951200611曾芝文、章瑋倫、謝佳雯Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris發酵植物性培養基。 第一順位書面發表 『乳酸菌腸道保健機制』研討會暨台灣乳酸菌協會2006年會員大會   
190951200612陳玉純、賴嘉俊、何虹儀、謝佳雯利用環境DNA資料庫篩選可提高生質酒精生產效率之纖維分解酶。 。第一順位書面發表 生物催化暨生物能源國際研討會 國立中興大學 
200951200612鄭宇翔、張家綺、蕭莞儀、謝佳雯納豆菌在不同碳源培養基中影響分泌血纖維蛋白分解酵素因子之探討。第一順位書面發表 彰雲嘉 大學院校聯盟 2006年學術研討會論文壁報 國立嘉義大學 
210951200612謝佳偉、陳得源、謝佳雯、張家綺、曾芝文、呂映慈、藍忠亮High-resolution 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE): the relationship between lupus nephritis and disease activity。 第一順位書面發表 中華民國風濕病醫學會第十屆第三次 中華民國免疫學會第十二屆第一次會員大會暨聯合學術研討會 台中 
22094220062魏鈺珊、翁炳孫、謝佳雯Upregulation of hemooxygenase-1 expression by ethanol extracts of Ganoderma tsugae in endothelial cell第一順位書面發表 台灣保健食品年會   
23095220073鄭宇翔、張家綺、蕭莞儀、謝佳雯納豆菌在不同碳源培養基中影響分泌血纖維蛋白分解酵素因子之探討。第一順位書面發表 第九次(第五屆第一次)會員大會暨保健食品與調節血脂研討會   
24095220073謝佳雯、曾芝文、章瑋倫Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris及Acetobacter orientaris FA 混合培養於植物性培養基以提高發酵產物之研究。 第一順位書面發表 第九次(第五屆第一次)會員大會暨保健食品與調節血脂研討會  
25095220073Chia-Chi Chang, Chih-Wen Tseng, Ying-Tzu Lu, Chia-Wei Der-Yuan Chen, Joung-Liang Lan, Chia-Wen HsiehPreliminary result of high-resolution 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) of the relationship between lupus nephritis and disease activity 。第一順位書面發表 第二十二屆生物醫學聯合學術年會  
27095220075C. W. Hsieh, C. C. Chang.Proteomic Analysis Of The Intercellular Fraction Of Zymomonas Mobilis Responding To Ampicillin-inducible Acetate Tolerance. . Poster. 第一順位書面發表 107th ASM general meeting 加拿大多倫多 
280971200810C.C. Chang, Y.C. Yu, J.L. Lan , D.Y. Chen, C.W. Hsieh, C.W. HsiehPreliminary results of high-resolution 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) applied on analysis of the relationship between lupus nephritis and disease activity第一順位書面發表 The Second World Chinese Mass Spectrometry Conference   
29096220083Yi-Chia Yu、YA-Huei Wang、Yu-Chun Hsu、Chia-Wen HsiehMonitoring of probiotics populations during feed fermentation by real-time quantitative PCR第一順位書面發表 The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science  
30096220085Long-Wei Shih, Wan-Yi Hsiao, Kuan-Lun Huang, ChiaWen HsiehProteomic analysis of Zymomonas mobilis and its acetate-resistant mutant第一順位書面發表 20th FAOBMB Taipei Conference Frontier in Life Sciences.  
31096220085ChiaWen Hsieh, WanYi Hsiao, ChiaChi Chang, Long-Wei ShihProteomic Analysis of Zymomonas mobilis Responding to Acetate Treatment第一順位書面發表 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals  
32097220095Long-Wei Shih, Chia-Wen HsiehProteomic analysis of Zymomonas mobilis and its acetic acid production第一順位書面發表 60th SIM Annual Meeting and Exhibition  
33097220095謝佳雯, 曹仲傑, 賴嘉俊, 黃冠倫Bacillus niabensis HCYU-B2的纖維及半纖維分解酵素系統對於將解稻草之效率評估第一順位書面發表 2009年第十四屆生化工程研討會  
34098220103Hsieh, C. W., Shih, L. WThe proteome of acetate tolerant response in Zymomonas mobilis strains第一順位書面發表 Systems biology of microorganisms.   
35098220107Chiawen Hsieh*, Kuanlun Huang, Yiting SuNovel Enzyme on Cellulose Degrading of Streptomyces rochei HCYU-B3第一順位書面發表 BIT Life Sciences’ 3rd Annual World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology   
36099220116Yu-Yiun Shiu, Yao-Sheng Chang, Chia-Wen Hsieh Characterization of the Zymomonas mobilis acid-stress response by proteomics. 第三順位壁報發表 4th FEMS Microbiology Congress 2011 Geneva, Switzerland 
37100220124Kuanlun Huang, Jyun-Han Wu, Pang-Yi Teng and Chun-Yip Pang, Chia-Wen HsiehNovel Enzyme from Streptomyces rochei on Cellulose degrading. 34th SBFC. New Oleans, LA, USA.第一順位壁報發表 34th SBFC  
38100220125Kuanlun Huang, Jyun-Han Wu, Pang-Yi Teng and Chun-Yip Pang, Chia-Wen Hsieh. Novel Enzyme from Streptomyces rochei on Cellulose degrading.第一順位壁報發表  34th SBFC  
39101120128謝佳雯 王鵬翔,Effects of soaking and water-spraying treatment on GABA content in buckwheat sprouts. 第二順位壁報發表 台灣保健食品學會2012年會員大會暨免疫與過敏研討會  
40101120128Chia-Wen hsieh, Hsiao-Lin Chien, Peng-Sheng WangApplication of lactic acid bacteria on the functional buckwheat sprouts. 第一順位壁報發表 3th, CIFST. Wuxi, China.  
411021201310Fang-Wei Liao, Jiun-Hau Lu, Chia-Wen HsiehEstablishing in vitro culture-system of bacteria consortia from rumen fluid for producing hemicellulose. 第三順位壁報發表 The 5th Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Microbial Ecology.  
421021201311Fang-Wei Liao, Jiun-Hau Lu, Chia-Wen Hsieh Establishing in vitro culture-system of bacteria consortia from rumen fluid for producing hemicellulose. 第三順位壁報發表 The 5th Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. p115  
431021201312Yao-Sheng Chang, Man-Ling Wu, Yo-Chuan Yang, Chia-Wen HsiehDevelopment of acetic-acid tolerant Zymomonas mobilis strains through random mutation. Taiwan Society of Microbiology.其他壁報發表 台灣微生物學會第二十一屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會  
441021201312陳柏翰, 謝佳雯, 王紹鴻利用負向篩選改良Lactobacillus plantarum乳酸菌產後酸能力。第二順位壁報發表 台灣微生物學會第二十一屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會   
451021201312Yao-Sheng Chang, Man-Ling Wu, Yo-Chuan Yang, Chia-Wen Hsieh Development of acetic-acid tolerant Zymomonas mobilis strains through random mutation. Taiwan Society of Bacteiology其他書面發表 Taiwan Society of Microbiology  
46101220133Jui-Hua Lin, Puspa Julistia Puspita, Yao-Sheng Chang, Man-Ling Wu, ChiaWen Hsieh Investigating the factors of N-methyl-N’-nitro-nitrosoguanidine (NTG) treated Zymomonas mobilis mutant responding to acetate其他書面發表 The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science  
47101220136Chia-Wen Hsieh, Yao-Sheng Chang, Fang-Wei LiaoDevelopment of acetic-acid tolerant Zymomonas mobilis strains through random mutation.第一順位壁報發表 The 51st Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Taiwan. P64  
48102120138Yao-Sheng Chang, Fang-Wei Liao , Chia-Wen HsiehCharacterization of cellulase from Streptomyces rochei induced by wood xylan. The 18th Conference on Bacteriology. p47第三順位壁報發表 The 18th Conference on Bacteriology  
49102120138Jui-Hua Lin, Man-Ling Wu, Chia-Wen HsiehAlkyl hydroperoxide reductase from Zymomonas mobilis conferring acetic acid resistance in Escherichia coli第三順位書面發表 The 18th Conference on Bacteriology  
50102120138Yao-Sheng Chang, Fang-Wei Liao , Chia-Wen Hsieh. Characterization of cellulase from Streptomyces rochei induced by wood xylan. 第三順位壁報發表 The 18th Conference on Bacteriology.  
51102120138Jui-Hua Lin, Man-Ling Wu, Chia-Wen HsiehAlkyl hydroperoxide reductase from Zymomonas mobilis conferring acetic acid resistance in Escherichia coli. 第三順位書面發表 The 18th Conference on Bacteriology  
52102120138陳柏翰,謝佳雯,王紹鴻利用負向篩選低產酸能力改良乳酸菌Lactobacillus plantarum。第二順位壁報發表 第 18 屆細菌學研討會  
53103120148Ying-Chi Chiu, Yi-Jhen Li, ChiaWen HsiehIsolating lactic acid bacteria strains to produce γ-aminobutyric acid and exopolysaccharides for industry manufacture. 第三順位壁報發表 The 19th Conference on Bacteriology  
54103120148Yao-Sheng Chang , Man-Ling Wu, Yo-Chuan Yang, Chia-Wen HsiehImprovement of Zymomonas mobilis mutants in fermenter with sodium acetate其他壁報發表 The 19th Conference on Bacteriology  
55103120148Wei-jie Chen, Yong-Han Chen, Yu-Cian Hong, Yi-Shan Yang, Zhe-Ming Hu, Meng-Je Shr, Chia-Wen Hsieh Using genetic engineering to improve butanol production of Clostridium acetobutylicum MFY 第一順位壁報發表 The 19th Conference on Bacteriology.  
56103120149Jui Ming Lin, Yi-Hsin Jiang , and Chia-Wen HsiehEnhanced Butanol Production in Recombinant Clostridium acetobutylicum via Overexpression of Heterologous Stress Protein-Encoding Gene. 第一順位壁報發表  Clostridium XIII  
571041201511Chia-Wen Hsieh*, Jui-Hua Lin, Ying-Chi Chiu and Yu-Wen Lin.Combined efficacy of gamma-aminobutyric-acid-producing and exopolysaccharides-producing lactic acid bacteria for improvements of soymilk fermentation. 第一順位壁報發表 19th FFC Conference  
581041201511Chia-Wen Hsieh, Jui-Hua Lin, and Yu-Wen LinCombined efficacy of gamma-aminobutyric-acid-producing and exopolysaccharides producing lactic acid bacteria for improvements of soybean milk fermentation 第一順位口頭發表 香川大學-嘉義大學 學術交流研討會  
591041201512謝佳雯 劉旻瑄 陳浩勻探討以梭狀芽孢桿菌的丁醇耐受性機制應用於生物反應器中生產高濃度丁醇之可行性。第一順位壁報發表 科技部工程司103年度機械固力、熱流、能源聯合成果發表會  
601051201612Te-Hsien Chiu, Yi-Ting Chen, De-Long Huang, Chia-Wen Hsieh Anti-acetate tolerance machanism of Zymomonas mobilis mutant A-167 其他書面發表 台灣微生物學會第22屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會  
61104220163謝佳雯 劉旻瑄 楊逸善 黃暘展探討以梭狀芽孢桿菌的丁醇耐受性機制應用於生物反應器中生產高濃度丁醇之可行性。第一順位壁報發表 科技部工程司104年度機械固力、熱流、能源聯合成果發表會。  
62104220166Chia-Wen Hsieh, Yu-Fan Liu, Yao-Sheng Chang, Yo-Chuan Yang, Der-Sheng Chiou, and Being-Sun Wung.Acetate-adaptive seed culture of acetate-tolerant Zymomonas mobilis mutant strains could enhance the ethanol production during fermentation. 24TH EUBCE – AMSTERDAM 2016.第一順位壁報發表 24TH EUBCE  
631061201712謝佳雯、劉旻瑄、 陳浩勻探討以梭狀芽孢桿菌的丁醇耐受性機制應用於生物反應器中生產高濃度丁醇之可行性 第一順位書面發表 2017科技部工程司機械固力、熱流、能源學門聯合成果發表會  
64105220175Min-Shiuan Liou, Yi Shan Yang, Yang-zhan Huang, and Chia-Wen Hsieh Heterogenous expression of chaperonin in Clostridium acetobutylicum strain to enhance butanol production. 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals其他壁報發表 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals San Francisco Marriott Marquis, USA. 
65105220176林家頡 楊渟渟 鄭鈺潔 林于文 楊逸善 謝佳雯篩選具不同功能性之乳酸菌其他壁報發表 2017國立嘉義大學畢業成果發表  
66105220176劉旻瑄、黃暘展、楊逸善、謝佳雯 丙酮丁酸梭菌過表現異源性伴護蛋白以提升丁醇產量 其他書面發表 台灣農業化學會第55次會員大會  
671071201811謝佳雯探討具丁醇耐受性之梭狀芽孢桿菌利用多重碳源於纖維床生物反應器生產高濃度丁醇之製程模擬及開發 其他壁報發表 科技部能源學門成果發表會 中正大學 
681071201811Te-Yui Chen, Yi-Shan Yang, Chia-Wen HsiehImproving xylose consumption and solvent production of C. acetobutylicum via xylR gene knockout strategy.第三順位壁報發表 2017生化秋令營 義守大學 
69106220186林毓佳,謝佳雯開發米麴發酵飲品第二順位壁報發表 2018國立嘉義大學畢業成果發表  
70106220186楊城漢,楊逸善,謝佳雯篩選多功能性之乳酸菌第三順位壁報發表 2018國立嘉義大學畢業成果發表  
71106220186胡景媃,劉旻瑄,陳德宇,曾善美,楊逸善,謝佳雯.評估伴護因子提升Clostridium acetobutylicum在多重碳源培養基下的丁醇生產力其他壁報發表 2018國立嘉義大學畢業成果發表  
72106220186胡景媃,林毓佳,曾善美,謝怡菁,謝佳雯從可可豆發酵製程中篩選風味酵母其他壁報發表 2018國立嘉義大學畢業成果發表  
73106220187C.W. Hsieh, D.Y. Chen, Y.S. Yang.Impact of xylose transporters on the improved glucose/xylose utilization and butanol production in Clostridium acetobutylicum HOL1第一順位壁報發表 (中文) 第18屆歐盟生物科技研討會 (英文)18th European Congress on Biotechnology  
74107120188Yu-Jie Zheng, Chia-Wen Hsieh.Evaluation the feasibility of improving biological activity of bitter gourd by biotransformation of lactic acid bacteria.第一順位壁報發表 2018第23屆細菌學研討會  
75107120188Cheng-Han Yang, Ting-Ting Yang, Ying-Chi Chiu, Peng-Shieng Wang, Yi-Shan Yang, Chia-Wen Hsieh.篩選具有高多糖生產能力之乳酸菌其他壁報發表 2018第23屆細菌學研討會  
761081201911謝佳雯,陳德宇,楊逸善,謝淨,謝怡菁,朱紀實,王紹鴻,吳進益.伽馬射線輻射誘變選育功能性乳酸菌菌株第一順位書面發表 2019台灣微生物學會第23屆第一次會員大會  
77107220193Te-Yui Chen, Yi-Shan Yang, Chia-Wen Hsieh Characterizing the solvent producing Clostridium acetobutylicum HOL1 on sugar utilization with mimic the lignocellulosic hydrolysates as fermentative substrate.第三順位壁報發表 2019第34屆生物醫學聯合學術年會  
78107220196Te-Yui Chen, Yi-Shan Yang, and Chia-Wen Hsieh Characterization and improvement of solvent producing Clostridium acetobutylicum HOL1 on sugar utilization with mimic the lignocellulosic hydrolysates as fermentative substrate第三順位壁報發表 2019國立嘉義大學畢業成果發表  
791091202012Yi-Shan Yang, Chia-Chieh Lin, Chen-Han Yang, Yao-Zu Chen, Feisheng Ou, Chia-Wen Hsieh發酵食品中乳酸菌代謝植物性雌激素 其他壁報發表 台灣微生物學會 第二十三屆第 二 次會員大會暨學術研討會 南港展覽館 一 館 4樓 402ab會議室 
801111202212謝佳雯、戴長玉、吳建緯 、陳立耿 、翁博群、陳天偉、歐斐生促進Akkermansia muciniphila生長以及腸胃道微生物菌群變化的 植物性凝態優格及其應用 第一順位壁報發表 台灣乳酸菌協會2022年會暨研討會 天主教輔仁大學國璽樓國際會議廳 
811111202212Chia-Wen Hsieh, Lih-Geeng Chen, Lihao Shi, Po Hsiang Yang探討鞣花酸發酵物的生理活性功能 Investigate the Physiological Activity of Ellagic Acid Fermentation 第一順位書面發表 台灣微生物學會111年學術研討會暨會員大會 南港展覽館 一 館5樓 504 bc會議室 

10921200310計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會 以混成淋巴球反應及表現重組螢光蛋白T細胞株建立微生物生產新型免疫抑制藥物篩選系統 NSC 92-2312-B-415-001 國科會500,000元)2003/10/012004/07/31500000
20941200508計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會 Bacillus subtilis var. natto HC- 3血纖維蛋白溶解酵素之純化分析及活性提升之探討2005/08/012006/03/3140000
30941200601共同主持人農業部 利用混合型益生菌製造發酵完全飼料之技術開發2006/01/012006/12/31794000
40941200601計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-政府立案法人機構 茯苓菌絲體功能性產品之開發-抗憂鬱(安神、助眠)、抗氧化(防老化)及抗發炎功能性篩選平台技術之開發2006/01/012006/12/31750000
50951200608共同主持人國家科學及技術委員會 植物化合物對內皮細胞保護作用的機轉 2006/08/012007/07/31700000
60951200608共同主持人國家科學及技術委員會 萃取不同來源β-glucan降低雞蛋卵黃中膽固醇之影響2006/08/012009/07/312460000
70951200608共同主持人國家科學及技術委員會研究開發花生白藜蘆醇及其衍生物預防老化相關疾病與延長壽命之探討--白藜蘆醇及其發酵衍生物對心血管疾病及神經退化性疾病之預防及保護作用探討(1/3) 2006/08/012007/07/311235000
80951200701共同主持人農業部 利用混合型益生菌製造發酵完全飼料之技術開發II-雞隻之應用2007/01/012007/12/31605000
90951200701計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-政府立案法人機構  中草藥之抗氧化、抗老化生理活性測試2007/01/012007/12/31630000
110961200708計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會 提昇細菌生產生質酒精之效率:改善Zymomonas mobilis對醋酸壓力之應變系統2007/08/012010/07/313046000
130971200901計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會  高效率纖維素及半纖維素之分解酵素複合體相關研究(I) (國科會98-2623-E-415-001-ET)2009/01/012009/12/31721000
140972200905計畫主持人農業部 雜糧之醱酵機能性素材開發研究計畫 (農委會 98研培-13.1-糧-01(c1) )2009/05/012010/04/30603000
150972200906計畫主持人其他政府機關-其他政府基金(如國立大學) 丁醇生產菌基因體研究分析 2009/06/302010/05/31850000
160981201001計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會 高效率纖維素及半纖維素之分解酵素複合體相關研究(II) 2010/01/012010/12/31620000
170991201008總計畫主持人 研究利用抗氧化壓力之應變系統改善溶劑毒性對丙酮丁醇梭桿菌生產丁醇效率之影響(1/2)2010/08/012012/07/311020000
201001201108總計畫主持人 研究利用抗氧化壓力之應變系統改善溶劑毒性對丙酮丁醇梭桿菌生產丁醇效率之影響(2/2)2011/08/012012/07/311020000
221001201201計畫主持人校內行政及教學單位微生物與分子檢驗組 2012/01/012012/12/31750000
271021201401計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-其他民間企業團體或個人生命科學院附設檢驗中心 微生物與分子檢驗組 蛋白質與微生物檢測2014/01/012014/12/31700000
331041201510計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-其他民間企業團體或個人功能性植物發酵飲品開發 2015/10/012016/07/31600000
351041201601計畫主持人校內行政及教學單位生命科學院附設檢驗中心 微生物與分子檢驗組2016/01/012016/12/31150000
361042201607計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會大專生計畫-藉由基因工程提升 Zymomonas mobilis 的酒精耐受性 (陳宜廷)2016/07/012017/02/2848000
371042201607計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會大專生計畫-探討過表現熱休克蛋白對Clostridium acetobutylicum蛋白表現的差異(黃暘展)2016/07/012017/02/2848000
391051201608總計畫主持人 探討以梭狀芽孢桿菌的丁醇耐受性機制,應用於生物反應器中生產高濃度丁醇之可行性(3/3)2016/08/012017/07/31818000
421052201704計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-其他民間企業團體或個人新型發酵糖品開發 2017/04/152018/08/31450000
461062201807計畫主持人 大專生計畫:Evaluating the effect of chaperone for improving butanol productivity of Clostridium acetobutylicum(指導學生:胡景媃)2018/07/012019/02/2848000
471071201808計畫主持人 以整合性代謝工程技術評估提升刺糖多孢菌生產賜諾司類植物保護劑之機制及其應用性2018/08/012019/07/31830000
511081202001計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-其他民間企業團體或個人 中草藥暨微生物利用研發中心2020/01/012020/12/311000000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫
601101202109計畫主持人其他民間企業團體-政府立案法人機構評估使用CRISPR/Cas System於Streptomyces 進行基因編輯的可行性2021/09/012022/10/311800000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫
611101202201計畫主持人其他民間企業團體或個人中草藥暨微生物利用研發中心 檢驗服務2022/01/012022/12/31500000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫
681112202305計畫主持人教育部青年發展署U-start創新創業計畫第一階段-蚓 Joy2023/05/012023/10/31500000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫

2100220127國際日本發明内皮細胞保護 閉鎖性動脈硬化予防効果を有するガノデルマ ツガエの活性物質およびその組成物特許第50446122012/07/202032/07/20

20951200612出席國際研討會生物催化暨生物能源國際研討會 壁報。2006.12.6台灣 
30951200612出席國內研討會彰雲嘉 大學院校聯盟 2006年學術研討會論文壁報台灣 
40951200612出席國內研討會中華民國風濕病醫學會第十屆第三次 中華民國免疫學會第十二屆第一次會員大會暨聯合學術研討會 台灣 
6094220062出席國內研討會2006台灣保健食品年會 台灣 
8095220073出席國內研討會第二十二屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 台灣 
9095220073出席國內研討會第九次(第五屆第一次)會員大會暨保健食品與調節血脂研討會 台灣 
10095220075出席國際研討會107th ASM general meeting Toronto, Canada 
110971200812出席國際研討會The Second World Chinese Mass Spectrometry Conference and 2008 Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual SymposiumTaipei, Taiwan 
12096220083出席國內研討會The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science台灣 
13096220085出席國際研討會30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals.New Orleans, LA, USA. 
14097120088出席國際研討會 20th FAOBMB Taipei Conference Frontier in Life Sciences Taipei, Taiwan. 
150972200903學術期刊論文審查2009/05Reviewer for Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 
17097220097出席國際研討會60th SIM Annual MeetingToronto, Canada 
180981201001學術期刊論文審查2010/02Reviewer for Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 
190982201003主編、副主編2010/05Reviewer for Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology  
200982201003學術期刊論文審查(2010/5)Reviewer for Poultry Science  
210991201009學術期刊論文審查Reviewer for Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. (2010/11)Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 
22099120108出席國際研討會 BIT Life Sciences’ 3rd Annual World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology . Dalian, China.  
230992201103學術期刊論文審查ZUSB-D-11-00114R1 Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B  
24099220116出席國際研討會4th FEMS Congress of European MicrobiologistsGeneva, Switzerland. 
25100120118出席國內研討會The 16th Conference of Bacteriology2011, Hulain, Taiwan.台灣 
261001201201學術期刊論文審查African Journal of Agricultural Research (2012/01)African Journal of Agricultural Research 
271011201208學術期刊論文審查Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy (2012/10)Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy 
281011201208學術期刊論文審查(LIVSCI-D-12-721R1) Livestock Science  
291011201209學術期刊論文審查Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012/11) IJAS-12-186Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science  
301011201209學術期刊論文審查Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012/11) IJAS-12-201Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 
321011201301學術期刊論文審查Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2013/02) IJAS-13-23Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 
331011201301學術期刊論文審查Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2013/03) IJAS-13-38Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 
341011201301學術期刊論文審查(ZUSB-D-13-00073)Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B  
351012201302學術期刊論文審查British Journal of Applied Science and Technology (2013/04)2013_BJAST_4486British Journal of Applied Science and Technology  
361012201303學術期刊論文審查Biopharmaceutical Biology (2013/05)Biopharmaceutical Biology  
371012201303學術期刊論文審查(FRBM-D-13-00536) Free Radical Biology and Medicine 
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391012201304學術期刊論文審查Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2013/06) JSFA-13-1603Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture  
401012201306學術期刊論文審查Annual Research and Review in Biology (2013/08)Annual Research and Review in Biology 
411012201306主編、副主編British Biotechnology Journal (2013/08) 2013_BBJ_6061 British Biotechnology Journal 
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441021201310出席國際研討會 The 5th Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Symposium on Microbial Ecology台灣 
451021201310學術期刊論文審查African Journal of Microbiology Research (2013/12)African Journal of Microbiology Research  
47101220133出席國內研討會第28屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 台灣 
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511022201403學術期刊論文審查Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2014/05) IJAS-14-112Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science  
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531022201405學術期刊論文審查Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2014/07) IJAS-14-147Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science  
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581031201501學術期刊論文審查 Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2015/03) IJAS-15-60 Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science  
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61104220166出席國際研討會2016 EUBCE Annual MeetingAmsterdam, Netherlands 
621052201704學術期刊論文審查(ZUSB-D-17-00311) Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B. 
631052201705學術期刊論文審查Biotechnology Journal International (2017/07) Ms_BJI_35030Biotechnology Journal International  
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