
1089120011Wung BS, Cheng JJ, Shyue SK and Wang DLNitric oxide modulates monocyte chemotactic protein-1 expression in endothelial cells under cyclic strain.第一順位Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol.   
2089120011Cheng JJ, Wung BS, Chao YJ and Wang DLSequential Activation of Protein Kinase C-a and -e is Required for Cyclic Strain-Induced ERK1/2 Activity in Endothelial Cells.第二順位J. Biol. Chem.   
3089120011Chang YL, Shen JJ, Wung BS, Cheng JJ and Wang DLChinese herbal Remedy Wogonin inhibits monocytechemotactic prtein-1 gene expression in human endothelial cells.第三順位Mol. Pharmacol.   
4089120011Lo LW, Cheng JJ, Chiu JJ, Wung BS, and Wang DLHypoxia-induced early growthresponse-1 expression in endothelial cell involves the activation of PKC and Ras/Raf-1/ERK pathway.其他J. Cell. Physiol.   
5093120051Wung BS*, Hsu MC., Wu CC. and CW HsiehResveratrol suppresses IL-6-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in endothelial cells via the inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation.第一順位Life Sciences  Resveratrol• IL-6• intercellular adhesion molecule-1• STAT3 • endothelial cells 
6093120051Wung BS C. W. Ni and Wang DLInduction of ICAM-1 expression by TNFa and IL-6 is mediated by distinct pathway via Rac in endothelial cells.第一順位J. Biomed. Sci.   
7094120061Wung BS*, Hsu MC, Wu CC and Hsieh CWPiceatannol is a potent inducer of endothelial heme oxygenase-1 via novel protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase pathways.第一順位 Pharmacology. Research  Endothelial cells; Heme oxygenase-1; Piceatannol; Protein kinase C 
8094120061Wu CC, Hsu MC, Hsieh CW, Lin JB, Lai PH and Wung BS*Upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 by Epigallocatechin-3-gallate via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and ERK pathways.其他 life Sci   
9094120061Wung BS*, Wu CC, Hsu MC, and Hsieh CW15-Deoxy-D12,14–prostaglandin J2 suppresses IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation via electrophilic reactivity in endothelial cells.第一順位 life Sci.   
100951200610Lia PH, Sun YW, Hsieh CW, Wung BS*Upregulation of endothelial heme oxygenase-1 expression by non-toxicity concentrations of cinnamaldehyde.第一順位Food Sci. Agric. Chem.    
11095120068Wu CC, Hsieh CW, Lai PH, Lin JB, Liu YC and Wung BS*Upregulation of endothelial heme-oxygenase-1 expression through the activation of the JNK pathway by sublethal concentrations of acrolein.第一順位Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.   
12095120071Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Wu CC and Wung BS*Chalcone inhibits the activation of NF-B and STAT3 in endothelial cells via endogenous electrophile.第一順位 life Sci.    
13096120081Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Weng YC, Chuang SH, Hsieh CY and Wung BS* Sulforaphane inhibition of monocyte adhesion via the suppression of ICAM-1 and NF-B is dependent upon glutathione depletion in endothelial cells第一順位 Vasc. Pharmacol.    
14096120081Liao BC, Hsieh CW, Liu YC, Tzeng TT, Sun YW and Wung BS* Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the tumor necrosis factor-α-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules in endothelial cells by suppressing NF-κB activation: effects upon IB and Nrf2.第一順位 Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.   
150971200810Chen LG, Liu YC, Hsieh CW, Liao BC and Wung BS* The tannin 1--O-Galloylpunicalagin mediates calcium-dependent activation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase involving phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in endothelial cells. 第一順位Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 52 1162-71  
16097120091Wei YS, Wung BS, Lin YC, Hsieh CW* Isolating a cytoprotective compound from Ganoderma tsugae: effects on induction of Nrf-2-related genes in endothelial cells.第一順位 Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.   
17098120101Lian KC, Chuang JJ, Hsieh CW, Wung BS*, Huang GD, Jian TY, and Sun YW Dual mechanisms of NF-B inhibition in carnosol-treated endothelial cells.第一順位 Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.    
180991201010Chen CC, Ke WH, Ceng LH, Hsieh CW and Wung BS* Calcium-and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-dependent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by apigenin. 第一順位life Sci.    
19099120108Liao BC, Hsieh CW, Lin YC and Wung BS* The glutaredoxin/glutathione system modulates NF-κB activity by glutathionylation of p65 in cinnamaldehyde-treated endothelial cells.第一順位 Toxicol. Sci.    
20099120111Chen CC, Chen HL, Hsieh CW, Yang YL and Wung BS* The upregulation of NF-E2-related factor-2-dependent glutathione by carnosol provokes a cytoprotective response and enhances cell survival.第一順位 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica   
21100220123Lin YC, Huang GD, Hsieh CW, and Wung BS*The glutathionylation of p65 modulates NF-κB activity in 15-Deoxy-D12,14D-prostaglandin J2-treated endothelial cells. 其他Free Radic. Biol. Med.52 1844-1853  
22102220145Po-Yen Yeh, Chia-Yu Li, Chia-Wen Hsieh, Yan-Chang Yang, Po-Min Yang and Being-Sun WungCO-releasing molecules and increased heme oxygenase-1 induce protein S-glutathionylation to modulate NF-κB activity in endothelial cells其他Free radical biology and medicine70 1-13  
23102220147Yan-Chang Yang, Yu-Ting Huang, Chia-Wen Hsieh, Po-Min Yang, Being-Sun WungCarbon Monoxide Induces Heme Oxygenase-1 to Modulate STAT3 Activation in Endothelial Cells via S-Glutathionylation其他PLOS ONEe100677  
241051201612Yang PM, Huang Yu-Ting, Zhang YQ, Hsieh CW, 翁炳孫*Carbon monoxide releasing molecule induces endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation through a calcium and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt mechanism其他Vascular Pharmacology87 209-218 Carbon monoxide • endothelial nitric oxide synthase • calcium • Akt 
25104220166翁炳孫Lycopene inhibits ICAM-1 expression and NF-κB activation by Nrf2-regulated cell redox state in human retinal pigment epithelial cells其他Life Sciences155 94-101  
26105220176Yang PM, Chen HZ, Huang YT, Hsieh CW, Wung BS.翁炳孫Lycopene inhibits NF-κB activation and adhesion molecule expression through Nrf2-mediated heme oxygenase-1 in endothelial cells.其他International Journal of Molecular Medicine39 1533-1450  
27106120178Liu YF, Hsieh CW, Chang YS, Wung BS.翁炳孫Effect of acetic acid on ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis mutant strains through continuous adaptation.其他BMC Biotechnol.63  
28106120181Chen LG, Zhang YQ, Wu ZZ, Hsieh CW, Chu CS, Wung BS.翁炳孫Peanut arachidin-1 enhances Nrf2-mediated protective mechanisms against TNF-α-induced ICAM-1 expression and NF-κB activation in endothelial cells.其他Int J Mol Med.41 541-547  
29108220206翁炳孫Carbon monoxide‑releasing molecules protect against blue light exposure and inflammation in retinal pigment epithelial cells其他International Journal of Molecular Medicine46 1096-1106.  
30109220216翁炳孫Sulforaphane inhibits blue light-induced inflammation and apoptosis by upregulating the SIRT1/PGC-1α/Nrf2 pathway and autophagy in retinal pigment epithelium cells其他Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology421 1-11  

1093220054Wu CC and Wung BS 15-Deoxy-12,14–prostaglandin J2 suppresses IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation via thiol depletion in endothelial cells  The 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences Taipei, Taiwan,  
2093220056Lai, P. H. and Wung BS. Upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 by Epigallocatechin-3-gallate via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and ERK pathways.  The 1st International Symposium on Phytochemicals: Bioactivity, Genomics, and Proteomics. Chiayi, Taiwan 
3093220056Liu YC, Hsieh CW, and Wung BSPiceatannol upregulates endothelial heme oxygenase-1 expression via novel protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase pathways. The 1st International Symposium on Phytochemicals: Bioactivity, Genomics, and Proteomics Chiayi, Taiwan 
4093220056Wu CC, and Wung BSResveratrol suppresses IL-6-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in endothelial cells: effects on the inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation. The 1st International Symposium on Phytochemicals: Bioactivity, Genomics, and Proteomics Chiayi, Taiwan 
5093220056Wei YS, Wung BS, and Hsieh CWEthanol extracts of Ganoderma tsugae induced Hemooxygenase-1 expression in endothelial cell.  The 1st International Symposium on Phytochemicals: Bioactivity, Genomics, and Proteomics Chiayi, Taiwan 
6093220057Hsu MC and Wung BS Resveratrol suppresses IL-6-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in endothelial cells via the inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation. The 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences Taipei, Taiwan 
7095220074Liu YC and Wung BS Chalcone inhibits the activation of NF-κB and STAT3 in endothelial cells via endogenous electrophile. The 22nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences Taipei, Taiwan 
8095220074Wei YS, Hsieh CW, Wung BS, Lin YJ Upprgulation of NF-E2-related factor-2 expression by extracts of Ganoderma Tsugae in endothelial cells The 22nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan,  
9095220074Chen WY, Wung BS, Robin YY ChiouAnti-inflammatory activities of peanut arechidin-1 in human endothelial cells The 22nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences,  Taipei, Taiwan 
10096220087Wung BS Cinnamaldehyde inhibits the tumor necrosis factor-α-induced expression of adhesion molecules in endothelial cells by suppressing NF-κB activation. Experimental Biology ,  San Diego,  
11097220094Ke WH, Ceng LH, Wung BSA flavonoid, apigenin induces the calcium-dependent activation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in endothelial cells The 24nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences Taipei, Taiwan 
12097220097Liao BC, and Wung BS The glutaredoxin/glutathione system modulates NF-κB activity by glutathionylation of p65 in cinnamaldehyde-treated endothelial cells. XV International Symposium of Atherosclerosis. Boston 
130991201010Wung BS*, Lin YC, and Liao BCProtein S-glutathionylation as an anti-inflammatory strategy for vascular diseases.第一順位口頭發表 8th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology (IDDST) Beijing, China 
14098220107Wung BS Carnosol modulates NF-kB activity by dual mechanisms in endothelial cells.  16th World Congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Copenhagen,  
15102220144翁炳孫Carbon monoxide releasing molecules increase endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity第二順位壁報發表 The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC  
16102220144翁炳孫The upregulation of Nrf-2-dependennt HO-1 by lycopene provokes an anti-inflammatory effect in endothelial cells第三順位壁報發表 The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC  
17102220147翁炳孫CO donors induce protein S-glutathionylation to modulate NF-κB activity through Heme-oxygenase-1 expression. 第一順位壁報發表 17th World Congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology  
181041201511張淯棋,吳致甄,翁炳孫*花生萃取物Arachidin-1對血管內皮細胞抗發炎機制。第三順位口頭發表 第三屆大豆高加價值產品研發研討會  
19104120158YCYang, YT Huang, and Wung BS*CO-induced protein S-glutathionylation modulates STAT3 activation via heme-oxygenase-1 expression. 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands第三順位壁報發表 17th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ATHEROSCLEROSIS  
201051201611Being-Sun Wung*, Yuan-Chun Lin, and Being-Chyuan LiaoProtein S-glutathionylation as a phytochemical-induced cytoprotective mechanism in endothelial cells第三順位口頭發表 第六屆 國際植物化合物暨疾病預防與功能評估研討會  
211051201611Yu-Qi Zhang , Zhi-Zhen Wu and Being-Sun Wung翁炳孫Lycopene inhibits ICAM-1 expression by Nrf2-regulated cell redox state in RPE cells. 第三順位壁報發表  第六屆 國際植物化合物暨疾病預防與功能評估研討會 嘉義大學 
22104220167翁炳孫 and Yu-Ting HuangCarbon Monoxide Donor in Endothelial Cells Mediates NO Synthesis via Intracellular Calcium and PI3/Akt-Dependent Signaling. 12nd International Congress of Cell Biology, 2016, 第一順位壁報發表 12nd International Congress of Cell Biology  
23106120178翁炳孫he phytochemical-induced cytoprotective mechanism in endothelial cells.第一順位口頭發表 International seminar on Medicinal Plant Biochemistry: Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity of Tropi 印尼 Bogor 
24106220183An-Chen Ku, Shun Yang, Kai-Chein Su, Being-Sun Wung*翁炳孫GYY4137, a hydrogen sulfide donor, inhibits NF-κB signals by cell redox state in endothelial cells.其他壁報發表 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences Taipei, Taiwan 
25106220183Shao-Ho Yuan, Tzu-Chiao Lan, Being-Sun Wung* 翁炳孫Protective Mechanisms of CO Releasing Molecules on Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells against Inflammation.其他壁報發表 The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences Taipei, Taiwan 
261091202010Shi-Yun Wang, Yung-Ni Lin, Yen-Tzu Tseng, Po-Min Yang and Being-Sun Wung翁炳孫Sulforaphane inhibits blue light-induced cell injury through autophagy and SIRT1/Nrf2 pathway in retinal pigment epithelium cells 其他壁報發表 International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare, Chiayi, ROC  
271101202111翁炳孫Being-Sun Wung1, Shi-Yun Wang, Yung-Ni Lin and Yen-Tzu TsengProtective mechanism of sulforaphane on blue light-induced retinal cell damage through upregulating SIRT1/PGC-1alpha/Nrf2 pathway and autophagy.第一順位壁報發表 14th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists, E094 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 2021. Taipei 
28110220223Yu-Han Wu, Wei-Han Deng, Yi-Zhen Chen and Being-Sun Wung*翁炳孫Kaempferol prevents against blue light-induced oxidative stress and mitochondrial apoptosis through PGC-1/Nrf2 pathway and autophagy in retinal pigment epithelial cells.其他壁報發表 The 36th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences  

50951200608總計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會 植物化合物對內皮細胞保護作用的機轉2006/08/012007/07/31700000
140992201107計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會探討 p65 的麩胱甘?化對 NF-κB 活性之影響2011/07/012012/02/280

11011201210國內中國發明松杉靈芝活性物質,其制備法及其組合物中國ZL 2009 I 0203171.32012/10/242029/06/030
31031201410國內中華民國發明具有內皮細胞保護、預防動脈粥狀硬化之松杉靈芝活性物質、其制備法及含彼組合物發明第I 457130號2014/10/022029/03/060

1102220143出席國內研討會The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 2014.Taipei, Taiwan 
2103120148出席國際研討會17th World Congress on Basic and Clinical PharmacologyCape Town, South Africa. 
4104120158出席國際研討會17th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ATHEROSCLEROSIS Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
5104220167出席國際研討會12nd International Congress of Cell Biology, Prague Czech Republic 
6104220167出席國內研討會The 6th International Symposium in Phytochemicals Bioactivities and Diseases Prevention of Phytochemicals and Natural Products for Health嘉義大學 
7106120179出席國際研討會International seminar on Medicinal Plant Biochemistry: Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity of Tropical Medicinal Plant Extract. Bogor, Indonesia 
8106220184出席國內研討會The 33rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical SciencesTaipei, Taiwan 
