
10931200412Hsin-liang Chen、Trevor Chung-ching Chen(2004) Effects of A Single Bout of Intersive Eccentric Contractions at Varying Repetitions on Muscle Damage第一順位Annual Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science 2004   
30931200412陳信良*、吳昶潤 複合式運動訓練法的介紹第一順位嘉大體育健康休閒期刊   
40931200412王錠堯、王順正、陳信良 青少年體能商的理論架構探討第三順位中華體育   
5092220046王錠堯、王順正、陳信良 青少年體能商與學業成績的關係研究第一順位運動生理暨體能學報   
6093120051楊群正、王順正、陳信良(2005) 最大脂肪代謝量運動強度與最大攝氧量的關係研究第三順位運動生理暨體能學報   
7093220054陳忠慶、陳信良(2005) 離心運動對血液肌肉蛋白質評估指標的反應第三順位運動生理暨體能學報   
80951200612吳昶潤、陳信良*、林昆儀、陳忠慶羽球專項有氧能力測驗的信度考驗 第三順位嘉大體育健康休閒期刊,5,66-73   
9094220063陳信良、林玉瓊、王錠堯、王順正不同身體質量指數青少年的體能商比較研究 第一順位體育學報   
10094220063鍾承融、陳忠慶、陳信良*(2006) 羽球運動的體能評估方式之初探第三順位中華體育,20(1),66-74   
110961200712Chen, T. C., Chen, H. L., Wu, C. J., Wang, L. I., Wang, S. Y., & Tu, J. H.Changes in running economy following a repeated bout of downhill running. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 第二順位 Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 5(2), 109-117.   
12095220073Chen, T. C., Cheung, C. J., Chen, H. L., & Wu, C. J. (2007).Effects of a 4-day of low-intensity run after downhill running on recovery of muscle damage and running economy. 其他Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 5(1), 24-32.    
13095220076陳忠慶、陳信良、鍾承融 & 吳昶潤不同肌力測驗方式對評估離心運動引起肌肉損傷反應的比較。其他大專體育學刊,9(2),117-129。   
14096120079陳信良、陳忠慶 & 吳昶潤大學男子羽球選手的專項有氧能力評估方式第一順位臺灣運動生理暨體能學報   
150971200812陳信良、吳昶潤、林明儒、曾國維、陳忠慶羽球現場多點無氧動力測驗與溫蓋特腳踏車測驗的相關第一順位運動生理暨體能學報  羽球運動特殊性、無氧能量系統、心跳率、血乳酸 
160971200812吳昶潤、林明儒、張佳佳、陳信良羽球現場無氧能力的持拍與搬球測驗方式之比較其他嘉大體育健康休閒期刊   羽球步法、米字型、Y字型、心跳率 
170971200812林明儒 陳忠慶 陳信良* 吳昶潤羽球現場間歇有氧動力測驗對大學男子甲組羽球單、雙打選手的運動表現與生理反應的影響第三順位運動生理暨體能學報   心跳率、血乳酸、攝氧量、有氧能量系統 
18097120088林明儒、陳信良、吳昶潤 & 陳忠慶 男子羽球選手上肢等速向心肌力對羽球殺球球速的影響。第二順位嘉大體育健康休閒期刊   
19097120088Chen, H. L., & Chen, T. C.Temporal structure comparison of the new and conventional scoring systems for men’s badminton singles in Taiwan第一順位 Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness   
200981200912Che-Hsiu Chen ., Trevor C. Chen., Hsin-Lian Chen., Ming-Ju Lin., Chang-Jun Wu and Kuo-Wei Tseng Effects of 8-week Static Stretch and PNF the Angle-torque Relationship第三順位Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering    
21097220093Trevor C. Chen., Hsin-Lian Chen., Ming-Ju Lin., Chang-Jun Wu and Kazunori NosakaMuscle damage responses of the elbow Xexors to four maximaleccentric exercise bouts performed every 4 weeks第二順位Eur J Appl Physiol    
22098120099Ming-Ru Lin, Trevor C.Chen, Hsin-Lian Chen,& Chang-Jun Wu Effects of gradient variations on physiological responses to a 30-minute run第三順位Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness   
23098120099Chen, Trevor C., Nosaka, Kazunori, Lin, Ming-Ju, Chen, Hsin-Lian and Wu, Chang-JunChanges in running economy at different intensities following downhill running其他Journal of Sports Sciences    
24098220105Chen, T. C., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Wu, C. J., Nosaka, K.Potent protective effect conferred by four bouts of low intensity eccentric exercise第一順位Medicine Sciences in Sports Exercise1004-1012  
251001201112陳信良、曾暐晉、黃冠菱 、陳忠慶肘屈肌群離心運動引起肌肉損傷對肱動脈血管功能的影響第一順位運動生理暨體能學報13 33-45  
261001201112陳信良、林明儒、柯學謙 、陳忠慶運動引起延遲性肌肉損傷對不同強度跑之攝氧量的影響第一順位嘉大體育健康休閒期刊10 178-187  
27099220112Chen, T. C., Lin, K. Y., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Nosaka, K.Comparison in eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage among four limb muscles. 第三順位European Journal of Applied Physiology211-223  
28099220113Chen, C. H., Nosaka, K., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Tseng, K. W., Chen, T. C. Effects of flexibility training on eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the knee flexors第一順位Medicine Science in Sports Exercise491-500  
29100120118陳信良、陳忠慶、曾暐晉、林瑞馨 曾國維離心運動引起延遲性肌肉酸痛對不同肌力及爆發力表現之影響第一順位嘉大體育健康休閒期刊249-259  
30100120119Chen, H. L., Wu, C .J., and Chen, T. C.Physiological and notational comparison of new and old scoring systems of singles matches in men’s badminton第一順位Asian Journal of Physical Education, Health and Recreation6-17  
31100120121Chen, H. L., Nosaka, K., and Chen, T. C.Muscle damage protection by low-intensity eccentric contractions remains for 2 weeks but not 3 weeks第一順位European Journal of Applied Physiology111 555-565  
32100220123曾暐晉、陳忠慶、陳信良最大等速離心運動引起肌肉損傷對速度發展率的影響第三順位體育學報45 19-30  
33101120128Chen, H. L., Nosaka, K., Pearce, A. J., and Chen, T. C.Two maximal isometric contractions attenuate themagnitude of eccentric exercise-induced muscledamage 第一順位Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 37 680-689  
34101220136Chen, T. C., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Chen, C. H., Pearce, A. J., and Nosaka, KEffect of two maximal isometric contractions on eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the elbow flexors第二順位European Journal of Applied Physiology113 1545-1554  
35102120138Chen, T. C., Tseng, W. C., Huang, G. L., Chen, H. L., Tseng, K. W., and Nosaka, K.Low-intensity eccentric contractions attenuate muscle damage induced by subsequent maximal eccentric exercise of the knee extensors in the elderly.其他European Journal of Applied Physiology.113 1005-1015  
36102220145Chen, T. C., Chen, H. L., Liu, Y. C., Nosaka, K.Eccentric exercise‑induced muscle damage of pre‑adolescent and adolescent boys in comparison to young men.第二順位European Journal of Applied Physiology114 1183-1195  
371041201510Lin, M. J., Chen, T. C., Chen, H. L., Wu, B. H., and Nosaka, K.Low-intensity eccentric contractions of the knee extensors and flexors protect against muscle damage.第三順位Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism40 1004-1011  
38103220156曾暐晉、黃冠菱、黃啟煌、 陳信良長期漸增式離心運動訓練對高齡者下肢肌力與功能性體適能之影響其他體育學報45 159-170 老化、重覆訓練效應、延遲性肌肉酸痛、膝伸肌群肌力、健康促進 
39104120158何智巧、陳信良、陳忠慶、林明儒離心運動引起不同程度延遲性肌肉酸痛與肌肉損傷指標反應之間的關係第二順位嘉大體育健康休閒期刊14 140-152  
401051201610Chen, T. C., Lin, M. J., Lai, J. H., Chen, H. L., Yu, H. I., and Nosaka, K.Contralateral repeated bout effect of eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors第二順位Medicine and Sciences in Sports and Exercise48 2030-2039  
41104220163曾暐晉, 陳冠傑, 陳信良, 游慧宜, Xiao-Lin Yang, Kazunori Nosaka, 陳忠慶反覆性離心運動對神經適應與重複訓練效應之影響第三順位體育學報49 15-26  
42104220166曾暐晉、 陳信良高齡者走過、路過,就是不能「錯過做運動」第二順位中華體育季刊30 160-160  
43104220166黃冠菱, 陳信良, Kazunori Nosaka, 陳忠慶左右二側肘屈肌群進行二回合離心運動順序對降低誘發動脈血管硬化之影響第二順位體育學報49 143-155  
44104220167Tseng, K. W., Tseng, W. C., Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Nosaka, K., Chen, T. C.Protective effect by maximal isometric contractions against maximal eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the knee extensors其他Research in Sports Medicine24 243-256  
45105120169曾暐晉、曾國維、陳信良、陳忠慶低強度離心運動對重複訓練效應及表層肌電訊號活性之影響第三順位物理治療41 189-198  
461061201712周宇傑、陳信良、陳忠慶、林明儒離心運動引起不同程度血液肌酸激酶個別差異與肌肉損傷相關評估指標之關係第二順位體育學報in press  
47105220174Chen, T. C., Tseng, W. C., Huang G. L., Chen, H. L., Tseng, K. W., Nosaka, K.Superior effects of eccentric to concentric knee extensor resistance training on physical fitness, insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles of elderly men其他Frontiers in Physiology1-11  
48106120181Lin, M. J., Nosaka, K., Ho, C. C., Chen, H. L., Tseng, K. W., Ratel, S., and Chen, T. C.Influence of maturation status on eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage and the repeated bout effect in females其他Frontiers in Physiology1118  
491071201810Chen TC, Lin MJ, Lai JH, Chen HL, Yu HI, Nosaka K.Low-intensity elbow flexion eccentric contractions attenuate maximal eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the contralateral arm.其他Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 21 1068-1072.  
50106220183Chen, T. C., Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Yu, H. I., and Nosaka, K.Contralateral repeated bout effect of the knee flexors第三順位Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise50 542-550  
51106220184Chen TC, Lin MJ, Chen HL, Lai JH, Yu HI, Nosaka K.Muscle damage protective effect by two maximal isometric contractions on maximal eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors of the contralateral arm.第三順位Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.28 1354-1360.   
52107120191Chen TC, Yang TJ, Huang MJ, Wang HS, Tseng KW, Chen HL, Nosaka K.Damage and the repeated bout effect of arm, leg, and trunk muscles induced by eccentric resistance exercises.其他Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.doi: 10.1111/sms.13388.  
53107220192Huang MJ, Nosaka K, Wang HS, Tseng KW, Chen HL, Chou TY, Chen TCDamage protective effects conferred by low-intensity eccentric contractions on arm, leg and trunk muscles.其他European Journal of Applied Physiology.doi: 10.1007/s00421-019-0  
54109220217Trevor C Chen, Hsin-Lian Chen, Li-Fu Cheng, Tai-Ying Chou, Kazunori NosakaEffect of Leg Eccentric Exercise on Muscle Damage of the Elbow Flexors after Maximal Eccentric Exercise第二順位 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise53 1473  
55110120218Chen, T. C., Tseng, W. C., Chen, H. L., Tseng, K. W., Chou, T. Y., Huang, Y. C., Nosaka, KStriking muscle adaptations induced by volume-dependent repeated bouts of low-intensity eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors第三順位Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism46 897-905  
56110120219Chen TC, Huang TH, Tseng WC, Tseng KW, Hsieh CC, Chen MY, Chou TY, Huang YC, Chen HL, Nosaka KChanges in plasma C1q, apelin and adropin concentrations in older adults after descending and ascending stair walking intervention其他Scientific Reports11 17644  
57111220234Chen, T. C., Kang, H. Y., Tseng, W. C., Lin, S. C., Chan, C. W., Chen, H. L., Chou, T. Y., Wang, HMuscle damage induced by maximal eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors after 3-week immobilization其他Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports33 382–392  

10931200410楊群正、王順正、陳信良最大脂肪代謝量運動強度與最大攝氧量的關係研究 第三屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會暨學術發表會 蘇州,中國 
20931200410王錠堯、王順正、陳信良青少年體能商與智商的相關研究 第三屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會暨學術發表會 蘇州,中國 
30931200412王錠堯、陳信良、王順正 體能商與智商對學業成績的逐步迴 歸解釋力 中華民國體育學會九十三年度學術論文發表會 台北市 
4092220045王錠堯、王順正、陳信良體能商在運動績優、資賦優異與一般學生的比較研究-以嘉義縣、市青少年女性為例 2004台灣運動生理暨體能學會年會暨學術研討會 台南市,台灣 
5092220047王錠堯、陳信良、王順正資賦優異學生體能商的調查研究 2004國際體適能學術研討會 台北市 
60941200512陳信良、王順正、王錠堯 壁報發表成長對不同性別青少年體能商的影響 第四屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會暨學術發表會 中國文化大學,台灣 
70941200512林明儒、陳信良、陳忠慶、吳昶潤 羽球專項有氧能力測驗對羽球單雙打選手的差異比較 第四屆華人運動生理及體適能學者學會年會 中國文化大學,台灣 
80941200512陳哲修、陳信良、吳昶潤、陳忠慶男女羽球選手對專項有氧能力測驗後的心跳恢復能力之比較 第四屆華人運動生理及體適能學者學會年會 中國文化大學,台灣 
90941200512鍾承融、陳信良、陳忠慶、吳昶潤羽球專項有氧能力測驗的生理反應 之初探 第四屆華人運動生理及體適能學者學會年會 中國文化大學,台灣 
100941200512張佳佳、陳信良、陳忠慶、吳昶潤羽球專項有氧能力測驗對男女羽球選手的差異比較 第四屆華人運動生理及體適能學者學會年會 中國文化大學,台灣 
11093220054陳哲修、陳信良、吳昶潤、鍾承融、張佳佳、林昆儀、林明儒、陳忠慶 間歇跑步與羽球3、6、9拍間歇有氧能力之間的相關性 2005台灣運動生暨體能學會年會及學術研討會 新竹教育大學,台灣 
120951200610鍾承融、陳信良、吳昶潤、陳忠慶(2006) 。,口頭發表,羽球選手下肢等速肌力疲勞測驗的肌電反應 2006運動生理與體能領域學術研討會 正修科技大學,台灣。  
130951200610林明儒、陳信良、吳昶潤、陳忠慶男子羽球選手上肢等速肌力與殺球球速之間的相關 Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 5th SCSEPF Annual Conference) The Tianjin, PR China.  
140951200610陳哲修、陳忠慶、謝欣玫、陳信良、林明儒長期不同伸展訓練對柔軟度維持效果的影響 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 5th SCSEPF Annual Conference) Tianjin, PR China.  
150951200610Chung, C. J., Chen, T. C., Chang, C. C., and Chen, H. L. Effects of a 4-day of low intensity run after downhill running on recovery of muscle damage and running economy  The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 5th SCSEPF Annual Conference) Tianjin, PR China.  
16094220065林昆儀、陳信良、吳昶潤、陳忠慶 羽球持拍無氧能力測驗的信度考 驗 2006 運動生理與體能領域學術研討會 正修科技大學,台灣 
17094220066謝欣玫、曾國維、陳信良、吳昶潤、陳忠慶(2006) 羽球現場3、4、6點與無氧動力固定30秒測驗的相關 2006運動生理與體能領域學術研討會 正修科技大學,台灣 
18094220066張佳佳、陳忠慶、陳信良、吳昶潤 羽球現場持拍與搬球無氧能力測 驗分析 2006運動生理與體能領域學術研討會 正修科技大學,台灣 
19094220066林昆儀、陳信良、吳昶潤、陳忠慶 羽球持拍無氧能力測驗的信度考驗 2006運動生理與體能領域學術研討會 正修科技大學,台灣 
20095120069Cheung, C. L., Chen, T. C., Chang, C. C., and Chen, H. L. Effects of a 4-day low intensity run after downhill running on recovery of muscle damage and running economy.  The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 5th SCSEPF Annual Conference) Tianjin, PR China.  
21095220075Chen, T. C., Nosaka, K, Wu, C. C., Chen, H. L., & Chung, C. J.Effects of daily 30-min run at different intensities on recovery from downhill running. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(5 Suppl.), S39  
22095220075林明儒、陳忠慶、張佳佳、曾瑋晉、陳冠傑、黃姿綾、謝欣玫、游育霖、陳信良 &吳昶潤不同坡度跑對攝氧量反應的影響 2007年國際運動生理暨體能學術領域研討會手冊,104-105頁  
23095220075鍾承融、陳忠慶、陳冠傑、曾暐晉、游育霖、黃姿綾、陳信良 & 吳昶潤等速離心收縮訓練對肌電訊號延遲的影響 2007年國際運動生理暨體能學術領域研討會手冊,106頁  
24095220075黃姿綾、陳信良、林明儒、陳冠傑、鍾承融、吳昶潤 & 陳忠慶大學男子甲組羽球單打新、舊賽制的時間結構分析 2007年國際運動生理暨體能學術領域研討會手冊,103頁  
25095220075曾瑋晉、游育霖、陳冠傑、陳忠慶、陳信良、吳昶潤、林明儒、張佳佳、謝欣玫 & 李恆儒不同強度跑對引起肌肉損傷時之跑步經濟性的影響 2007國際運動生理暨體能領域學術研討會會議手冊暨論文集,136頁  
26095220075張佳佳、陳忠慶、陳信良 & 吳昶潤2007年國際運動生理暨體能學術領域研討會手冊,124-125頁羽球現場持拍與搬球無氧能力測驗之分析 2007年國際運動生理暨體能學術領域研討會手冊,124-125頁  
270971200810陳信良、林明儒、陳忠慶、吳昶潤 & 林昆儀。(2008)羽球現場間歇有氧動力測驗對大學男子甲組羽球單、雙打選手的運動表現與生理反應的影響 2008台灣運動生理暨體能學會年會及學術研討會論文集,136頁 台中中興大學 
280971200810林作慶、林明儒、吳昶潤、陳信良、塗瑞洪 & 陳忠慶協調性對羽球殺球球速的影響 The The 7th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness,   
290971200810Wu, C. J., Lin, M. Lu., Chen, H. L., Chen, Trevor C., & Lin, T. C.Effects of two badminton-specific aerobic intermittent power tests on performance and physiological responses of collegiate men’s badminton singles and doubles players in Taiwan. The The 7th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness,  
300971200810Chen, H. L., Lin, M. Ju.,Wu, C. J., and Chen, Trevor C.Temporal structure comparison of the new and conventional scoring systems for men’s badminton singles in Taiwan.第一順位書面發表 The The 7th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
31096220085Chen, T. C., Nosaka, K., Chen, H. L., & Lin, M. LuDecrease in Running Economy Following Downhill Running.  ESTORL,  Portugal 
32096220085吳昶潤、陳信良、林明儒、陳忠慶、林昆儀 & 林作慶羽球現場無氧動力的評估方式 台灣運動生理暨體能學會年會及學術研討會論文集,129頁 台中中興大學 
33096220085林明儒、陳忠慶、陳信良、吳昶潤、林昆儀 & 林作慶。不同坡度跑對力學參數的影響 2008台灣運動生理暨體能學會年會及學術研討會論文集,130頁。 台中中興大學 
34096220086Chen, T. C., Chen, H. L., Wu, C. J., Lin, M. R., and Lin, T. C.Effect of variability in muscle damage following eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors on the repeated bout effect.第二順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 7th SCSEPF  
35096220086Wu, C. J., Lin, M. R., Chen, H. L., Chen, T. C. and Lin, T. C.Effects of aerobic intermittent power test of badminton field for both collegiate men’s badminton singles and doubles in Taiwan on performance and physiological indices responses.第三順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 7th SCSEPF  
36097220096廖華典、陳忠慶、吳昶潤、陳信良中藥麥門冬增補對運動表現效益之初探。其他書面發表 2009國際體育運動與健康休閒發展趨勢研討會專刊暨大會手冊  
37097220096Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Wu, C. J., Ko, S. C., Lee, H. J., and Chen, T. C.Effects of a 30-min run at different gradients on knee stiffness.第二順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 8th SCSEPF  
38097220096Ko, S. C., Hsieh, Y. H., Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Wu, C. J., and Chen, T. C.Changes in the upward drift in oxygen consumption following downhill running.其他書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 8th SCSEPF  
3909722009622. Wu, C. J., Chen, H. L., Hwang, Z. L., and Chen, T. C.Physiological and notational comparison of new and old scoring systems of single match in men’s badminton.第二順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 8th SCSEPF  
40098220106Chen, T. C., Lin, K. Y., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Wu, C. J., and Nosaka, K.Comparison between elbow and knee flexors and extensors for muscle damage induced by maximal eccentric exercise.第三順位書面發表 The 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.  
41098220106Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Chang, C. C., Wu, C. J., Nosaka, K., and Chen, T. C.Adaptation effect conferred by repeated bouts of low intensity lengthening exercise.第一順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 9th SCSEPF  
42098220106Chen, H. L., Chen, T. C., Lin, M. J., Lin, J. H., Wu, C. J., and Nosaka, K.Effect of low intensity of eccentric exercise followed by maximal eccentric exercise on repeated bout effect.第一順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 9th SCSEPF  
43098220106曾暐晉、黃冠菱、陳信良、林明儒、吳昶潤、 陳忠慶離心運動引起肌肉損傷對血流參數的影響。第三順位書面發表 The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness Annual Conference (The 9th SCSEPF  
44098220106Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Tseng, W. C., Huang, G. L., Ko, S. C., Wu, C. J., Lin, J. H., Chen, T. C.Effect of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage on rate of velocity development among elbow and knee extensors and flexors.第二順位書面發表 2010 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
45098220106Huang, G. L., Tseng, W. C., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Wu, C. J., Ko, S. C., and Chen, T. C. Blood flow response of elbow flexors to a repeated bout of maximal eccentric exercise.第三順位書面發表 2010 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
46098220106Tseng, W. C., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Huang, G. L., Wu, C. J., Lin, J. H., Ko, S. C., Chen, TCEffect of a repeated bout of isokinetic eccentric training on rate of velocity development of the elbow flexors.第二順位書面發表 2010 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
47098220106Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Wu, C. J., Tseng, W. C., Ko, S. C., Lin, J. C., and Chen, T. C.Effects of gradient variations on physiological responses to 30-minute run.第二順位書面發表 American College of Sports Medicine’s 57th Annual Meeting  
48099220116Tseng, W.C., Chen, H.L., Huang, G.L., Wu, C.J., Lin, J.H., Ko, S.C., and Chen, T.C.Rate of velocity development less decreased following the repeated bout of maximal eccentric exercise.第一順位書面發表 The 2011 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting  
49099220116Lin, M.J., Chen, H.L., Tseng, W.C., Ko, S.C., Lin, J.C., and Chen, T.C.Effect of delayed onset muscle soreness on rate of velocity development of the knee extensors.第二順位書面發表 The 2011 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting  
50099220116Chen, T.C., Chen, H.L., and Nosaka, K.Low-intensity eccentric contractions attenuate muscle damage induced by maximal eccentric contractions for 2 weeks.第二順位書面發表 The 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science.  
51099220116Nosaka, K., Chen, H.L., and Chen, T.C.Two-maximal isometric contractions attenuate magnitude of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.第二順位書面發表 The 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science.  
52099220117Tseng, W.C., Chen, H.L., Lin, J.H., Wu, C.J., and Chen, T.C.Effect of eccentric exercise on rate of velocity development of knee extensors in older men: a preliminary study.第二順位書面發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress.  
53099220117Huang, G.L., Chen, H.L., and Chen, T.C.Variability in muscle soreness after eccentric exercise and the repeated bout effect.第二順位書面發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress.  
54099220117柯學謙、林明儒、陳信良、陳忠慶不同坡度跑對攝氧量及運動學參數之影響。第三順位書面發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress.  
55099220117Chen, H.L., Chen, C.H., Nosaka, K., Lin, M.J., Tseng, K.W., and Chen, T.C.Flexibility training attenuates eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.第一順位書面發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress.  
56099220117Chen, H. L., Chen, T. C., Lin, K. Y., Lin, M. J., and Nosaka, K.Comparison in eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage among four limb muscles.第一順位書面發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress.  
57099220117Chen, H. L., Chen, C. H., Nosaka, K., Lin, M. J., Tseng, K. W., Chen, T. C. Flexibility training attenuates eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage第一順位口頭發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress  
58099220117Chen, H. L., Chen, T. C., Lin, K. Y., Lin, M. J., Nosaka, K.Comparison in eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage among four limb muscles第一順位口頭發表 The 10th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress  
59100220125蘇育磊、林明儒、陳信良、林瑞馨、陳忠慶漸增負荷跑運動對生理指標與股動脈血流反應之影響第三順位口頭發表 2012 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
60101220136Su, Y. L., Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Lin, J. H., Chen, T. C.Effect on the static balance of human lower limb muscle caused by the damages from eccentric exercise第三順位口頭發表 2013 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
61102220146Chang, W. S., Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Lai, J. H., Chen, T. C.Contralateral repeated bout effect conferred by low-intensity eccentric exercise on proprioception第三順位壁報發表 2014 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
62102220147林明儒、陳信良、陳忠慶不同坡度跑步運動的生理及力學反應之探討第二順位書面發表 2014年第六屆中國全國高校體育教師教育科學論文報告會  
63103220155Guo, W, J., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Tseng, K. W., Chen, T. C.Effect of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage on arterial stiffness between junior high and college female第二順位壁報發表 2015 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
64103220155Lai, J. H., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Chen, T. C.Effect of cross transfer effects conferred by low intensity eccentric exercise on electromyographic activity第二順位壁報發表 2015 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
65103220155Chang, W. S., Lin, M. J., Chen, H. L., Chen, T. C.Effects of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the knee flexors on changes in muscle-tendon behavior第三順位壁報發表 2015 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
66103220155何智巧、陳信良、林明儒、陳忠慶離心運動引起不同程度延遲性肌肉酸痛與肌肉損傷指標反應之間的關係第二順位口頭發表 2015 International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Fitness  
67103220157Ho, C. C., Chen, H. L., Lin, M. J., Chen, T. C.Effect of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage of the elbow flexors on changes in muscle-tendon behavior第二順位口頭發表 The 14th of Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF) Annual Congress  




