
1091220032Liu, C.W., Lin, K.H., Kuo, Y.M.* Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. 第三順位Science of the Total Environment.313 77-89  
2091220036Kuo, Y.M., Liu, C.W., Lin, K.H.Evaluation of the ability of an artificial neural network model to assess the variation of groundwater quality in an area of blackfoot disease in Taiwan. 第一順位Water Research.38 148-158  
30931200410Liu, C.W., Hung, H.C., Chen, S.K., Kuo, Y.M. Subsurface return flow and ground water recharge of terrace fields in northern Taiwan.其他 Journal of American Water Resources Association.40  603-614  
4095220074Muñoz-Carpena, R, Zajac, Z., Kuo, Y.M. Global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of the water quality model VFSMOD-W. 第三順位Transactions of the ASABE50  1719-1732  
50981200910Kuo, Y.M., Harris, W.G., Muno-Carpena, R., Rhue, D., Li, Y.C. Apatite control of phosphorus release to runoff from soils of phosphate mine reclamation areas第一順位 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution202 189-198.  
6098120098Kuo, Y.M., Muñoz-Carpena, R., 2009. Simplified modeling of phosphorus removal by vegetative filter strips to control runoff pollution from phosphate mining areas. 第一順位Journal of Hydrology378 343-354  
70991201010Kuo, Y.M., Chang, F.J., Dynamic factor analysis for estimating groundwater arsenic trends.第一順位 Journal of Environmental Quality39 176-84   
8098220102Chang, F.J., Kao, L.S., Kuo, Y.M., Liu, C.W., 2010. Artificial neural networks for estimating regional arsenic concentrations in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. 第三順位Journal of Hydrology388 65-76  
9098220105Kuo, Y.M., Lin, H.J. Dynamic factor analysis of long-term growth trends of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan.第一順位 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science86 225-236.   
101001201110Kuo, Y.M., Wang S.W., Jang, C.S., Yeh, N.C., Yu, H.L.Identifying the factors influencing PM2.5 in southern Taiwan using dynamic factor analysis. 第一順位Atmospheric Environment45 7276-7285  
11099220113Chen, S.C., Kuo, Y.M.*, Li, Y.H.Flow characteristics within different configurations of submerged flexible vegetation. 第二順位Journal of Hydrology398 124-134  
12099220115Wang, S.W., Kuo, Y.M., Kao Y.H., Jang, C.S., Maji, S.K., Chang, F.J., Liu, C.W. Influence of hydrological and hydrogeochemical parameters on arsenic variation in shallow groundwater of southwestern Taiwan. 第二順位Journal of Hydrology.408 286-295.  
13099220115Yu, H.L., Wang, C.H, Liu, M.C., Kuo, Y.M.*Estimation of fine particulate matter in Taipei using landuse regression and bayesian maximum entropy methods. 其他International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2153-2169  
14100220123Chu, H.J., Yu, H.L., Kuo, Y.M.* Identifying spatial mixture distributions of PM2.5 and PM10 in Taiwan during and after a dust storm. 第三順位Atmospheric Environment54 728-737  
15100220125Jang, C.S., Chen, S.K., Kuo, Y.M.Establishing an irrigation management plan of sustainable groundwater based on spatial variability of water quality and quantity第三順位Journal of Hydrology414 201-210  
16101120128Chen, S.C., Kuo, Y.M.*, Yen, Y.C. Effects of submerged flexible vegetation and solid structure bars on channel bed scour第二順位 International Journal of Sediment Research27 323-336  
17101120128Chu, H.J., Lin, C.Y., Liau, C.J., Kuo, Y.M.*Identify controlling factors of ground-level ozone levels over southwestern Taiwan using a decision Tree. 其他Atmospheric Environment60 142-152  
18101120129Gaybullaev, B., Chen, S.C., Kuo, Y.M.Large-scale desiccation of the Aral Sea due to over-exploitation after 1960第三順位Journal of Mountain Science538-546  
19101220132ang, C.S., Chen, S.K., Kuo, Y.M. Applying indicator-based geostatistical approaches to determine potential zones of groundwater recharge based on borehole data. 第三順位CATENA101  178-187  
20101220134Kuo, Y.M., Jang, C.S., Yu, H.L., Chen, S.C., Chu, H.J.Identifying nearshore groundwater and river hydrochemical variables influencing water quality of Kaoping River Estuary using dynamic factor analysis. 第一順位Journal of Hydrology486 39-47  
21101220134Yu, H.L., Lin, Y.C., Sivakumar, B., Kuo, Y.M.*A study of the temporal dynamics of ambient particulate matter using stochastic and chaotic techniques. 其他Atmospheric Environment69 37-45  
22101220135Gaybullaev, B., Chen, S.C., Kuo, Y.M. Water volume and salinity forecasts of the small Aral Sea for the years 2025.第三順位 中華水土保持學報44 265-270  
23102220145Kuo, Y.M., Chu, H.J., Pan, T.Y.Temporal precipitation estimation from nearby radar reflectivity using dynamic factor analysis in the mountainous watershed - a case during Typhoon Morakot. 第一順位Hydrological Processes28 999-1008  
24103220153Tsai, J.P., Chen, Y.W., Chang, L.C., Kuo, Y.M., Tu, Y.H., Pan, C.C. High recharge areas in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan (Taiwan) assessed from recharge potential analysis and average storage variation indexes.其他 Entropy17 1558-1580  
25103220153Kuo, Y.M., Chiu, C.H., Yu, H.L. Influences of ambient air pollutants and meteorological conditions on ozone variation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 第一順位Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.29 1037-1050  
26103220157Yu, S., Du, W.Y., Sun, P.G., He, S.Y., Kuo, Y.M., Yuan, Y.Q., Huang, J. Study on the hydrochemistry character and carbon sink in the middle and upper reaches of the Xijiang River basin, China. 其他Environmental Earth Sciences74 997-1005  
27103220157Yu, S., Kuo, Y.M.*, Du, W., He, S.Y., Sun, P.A., Yuan, Q., Li, R., Li, Y.he hydrochemistry properties of precipitation in karst tourism city (Guilin), Southwest China. 第二順位Environmental Earth Sciences74 1061-1069  
28103220157Deng, Y., Kuo, Y.M.*, Jiang, Z.C., Qin, X.M., Jin, Z.J. Using stable isotopes to quantify water uptake by Cyclobalanopsis glauca in typical clusters of karst peaks in China. 第二順位Environmental Earth Science.74 1039-1046.  
29104120159Yu, H.L., Lin, Y.C., Kuo, Y.M., 2015. A time series analysis of multiple ambient pollutants to investigate the underlying air pollution dynamics and interactions.第三順位 Chemosphere134  571-580  
30104120161Huang, J., Jin, M.G., Kuo, Y.M., Di, Z.J., Xian, Y., Yuan, J.J. Compartment model for estimating element content in a water–soil–cotton system.第三順位 Agronomy Journal108 129-140  
311051201611Kuo, Y.M., Yu, H.L., Kuan, W.H., Kuo, M.H., Lin, H.J.*Factors controlling changes in epilithic algal biomass in the mountain streams of subtropical Taiwan. 第一順位PLoS One11 e0166604.   
321051201611Kuo, Y.M.*, Wu, J.T., Phytoplankton dynamics of a subtropical reservoir controlled by the complex interplay among hydrological, abiotic, and biotic variables第一順位Environmental Monitoring and Assessment188 689  
33104220163Liu, Z., Zha, Y., Yang, W., Kuo, Y.M., Yang, Y. Large-scale modeling of unsaturated flow by stochastic perturbation approach. 其他Vadose Zone Journal15  1-20  
34104220165Li, M., Xiong, Z., Liu, H., Kuo, Y.M., Tong, ZCopper-induced alteration in sucrose partitioning and its relationship to the root growth of two Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun populations.第三順位 International Journal of Phytoremediation18 966-976  
351061201711Chen, M.W., Mo, Q.G., Kuo, Y.M., Su, Y.P., Zhong, Y.PHydrochemical controls on reservoir nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics under storms. 第三順位Science of the Total Environment619 301-310  
36105220173梁平, 郭益銘*, 劉文文基於GWR模型的漢江流域土地利用類型與水質關係評估. 安全與環境工程.第二順位 安全與環境工程24 67-74  
37105220175Liu, W.W., Zhao, E.M., Kuo, Y.M.*, Jang, C.S., Identifying the relationships between trophic states and their driving factors in the Shihmen Reservoir, Taiwan第三順位Limnologica64  38-45  
38105220176Kuo, Y.M., Zhao, E.M., Li, M.J. Yu, H., Qin, J.Ambient precursor gaseous pollutants and meteorological conditions controlling variations of particulate matter concentrations.第一順位 CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water45 1600655  
39106220182郭益銘*, 趙恩民動態因子分析在環境監測中的應用. . 第一順位中國環境監測34 120-126  
40106220183郭益銘*,李冉,姚立全,植生濾帶對農業面源汙染防治及模型的研究與應用進展第一順位安全與環境工程25 15-22  
41107120188Li, R., Kuo, Y.M.*, Liu, W.W., Jang, C.S., Zhao, E.M., Yao, L.Q. Potential health risk assessment through ingestion and dermal contact arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Jianghan Plain, China 第一順位Environmental Geochemistry and Health40 1585-1599  
42107120189Kuo, Y.M.*, Yang, J., Liu, W.W., Zhao, E.M., Li, R., Yao, L.Q., Using generalized additive models to investigate factors influencing cyanobacterial abundance through phycocyanin fluorescence in East Lake, China. 第一順位Environmental Monitoring and Assessment190 599  
43107120191Deng, Y., Jiang, Z.C., Kuo, Y.M., Zhou, X.D., Effects of canopy interception on epikarst water chemistry and its response to precipitation in Southwest China第三順位Carbonates and Evaporites34 273–282  
44107120191Kuo, Y.M.*, Liu, W.W., Zhao, E., Li, R., Muñoz-Carpena, RWater quality variability in the middle and down streams of Han River under the influence of the Middle Route of South-North Water Diversion Project, China. 第一順位Journal of Hydrology569 218-229  
45108220204Chen, S.C., Tfwala, S.S., Wang, C.R., Kuo, Y.M., Chao, Y.CIncipient motion of large wood in river channels considering log density and orientation其他Journal of Hydraulic Research58 489-502  
46109120209Yang, B.H., Xia, R., Dou, M., Kuo, Y.M., Li, G.Q., Shen, L.SEffects of hydrological alteration on fish population structure and habitat in river system: A case study in the mid-downstream of the Hanjiang River in China. Global Ecology and Conservation其他Global Ecology and Conservation23 e01090  
47109120211Li, R., Kuo, Y.M.*,Effects of shallow water table depth on vegetative filter strips retarding transport of nonpoint source pollution in controlled flume experiments.第二順位 International Journal of Environmental Research15 163–175  
48109220213Liu, W.W., Kuo, Y.M.*, Zhao, E.Influence of the south-to-north water transfer and the Yangtze River mitigation projects on the water quality of Han River, China第二順位 Environmental Earth Sciences80 246  
49109220213Yang, J.R., Yu, X.Q., Chen, H.H., Kuo, Y.M., Yang, J.Structural and functional variations of phytoplankton communities in the face of multiple disturbances. . 其他Journal of Environmental Sciences100 287–297  
50109220215Wang, F.F., Cheng, P., Chen, N.W., Kuo, Y.MTidal driven nutrient exchange between mangroves and estuary reveals a dynamic source-sink pattern其他Chemosphere279 128665  
51109220217Zhao, E.M., Kuo, Y.M.*Using short-term data to quickly and quantitatively determine formation mechanisms of PM2.5 and ozone第二順位CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water.49 2100184  
52110120218Zhao, E.M., Kuo, Y.M.*, Chen, N.W.4. 2021. Assessment of water quality under various environmental features using a site-specific weighting water quality index. . , . (SCI) 2021 Aug 20第二順位Science of the Total Environment783 146868  
53110220222余業鑫, 李豔, 向羅京, 柳滿森, 趙恩民, 郭益銘, 王海軍漢江下游幹支流浮游植物群落特徵及其對水質的指示評價其他中國環境監測38  124-135  
54111120229張笑笑, 徐為琦, 趙恩民, 郭益銘不同度擾動下藻分解對水環境和磷濃度的影響其他 安全與環境工程29 196-203  
55111220233Wenguang Shi, Quanrong Wang, Haitao Yan, Xiaogang Fu, Yi-Ming Kuo, Renjie Zhou Semi-analytical model of heat transport around a well with wellbore mixing effect under multi-step flow rate其他Journal of Hydrology625 130068  
56112220242Li, R., Liu, W.W., Zhao, E., Kuo, Y.M.Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control in Jianghan Plain: Experiments and VFSMOD modeling其他Water, Air, Soil Pollution235 235:251 Vegetative Filter Strips · Water Table · VFSMOD · Runoff · Sediment · Nitrogen 

11001201112Kuo, Y.M., Jang, C.S., Yu, H.L., Wang, S.W. NOx, VOCs, and meteorological conditions influencing ozone variation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 第一順位壁報發表 American Geophysical Union San Francisco 
2099220114Kuo, Y.M., Wang, S.W., Yu, H.L., Temporal common trends of ambient pollutants at four supersites in Kaohsiung City. 第一順位書面發表 EGU General Assembly  Vienna 
3100220125Kuo, Y.M., Tang, M.S., Jang, C.S., Chen, S.C., Chu, H.J. Identifying the dynamic relationship between environmental variables and water quality in the Kaoping River Estuary.第一順位書面發表 MingDao University  MingDao University 
4101220134Kuo, Y.M., Chuang, Y.L., Chu, H.J. Identifying the factors affecting phytoplankton abundance dynamics in Shihmen Reservoir, Taiwan.第一順位壁報發表  EGU General Assembly, Vienna  
5101220137Kuo, Y.M., Chu, H.J., Yu, H.L., Lin, H.J.,Dynamic factor analysis of environmental systems: III. Applications in environmental management and decision. 第一順位口頭發表 29th European Meeting of Statisticians Budapest 
61031201410郭益銘、吳俊宗, Factors controlling phytoplankton dynamics and the implication for water quality management of a subtropical water reservoir。第一順位口頭發表 第六屆海峽兩岸人工濕地研討會暨高層論壇 中國杭州 
71031201411郭益銘、張麗紅, 影響高屏溪出海口海域浮游藻類生物量變化的環境指標。第一順位口頭發表 第八屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨 2014 兩岸地下水與水文地質應用研討會 成功大學 
8102220144Kuo, Y.M., Chuang, Y.L., Kuan, W.H., Kuo, M.H., Chiu, M.C., Lin, H.J., Factors controlling dynamic changes in abundance of epilithic algae in mountain streams of subtropical Taiwan第一順位壁報發表  EGU General Assembly Vienna 
9102220147Kuo, Y.M., Chu, H.J., Jang, C.S.,Identifying nearshore groundwater and river hydrochemical variables influencing water quality of Kaoping River Eestuary using dynamic factor analysis. 第一順位書面發表 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Japan 
101041201510郭益銘南水北調中線工程調水對漢江中下游水質的影響第一順位口頭發表 全國河湖汙染治理與生態修復論壇 武漢 
11103220154郭益銘因子分析及聚類分析探討漢江中下游流域水質主要汙染源第一順位口頭發表 第七屆全國河湖治理與水生態文明發展論壇  
12103220154郭益銘因子分析及聚類分析探討漢江中下游流域水質主要汙染源第一順位口頭發表 第七屆全國河湖治理與水生態文明發展論壇  
13103220156郭益銘應用動態因子分析於水域生態水質的研究-以臺灣石門水庫及高屏溪出海口水域生態為例)第一順位書面發表 香山論壇,廈門大學 廈門大學 
14104120158Kuo, Y.M., Liu, W.W.Application of factor analysis and cluster analysis in the assessment of water quality of middle and down streams Han River in China.第一順位口頭發表  Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Singapore 
151051201610Liu, W.W., Kuo, Y.M. Influence of environmental factors at polluted tributaries on water quality of mainstream Han River after the operation of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. 第二順位壁報發表 American Geophysical Union  San Francisco 
161051201612Li, R., Kuo, Y.M.Impact of groundwater table on phosphorus reduction mechanism of vegetative filter strips: a laboratory study and VFSMOD modeling.第二順位壁報發表  American Geophysical Union  
17104220164Kuo, Y.M., Liu, W.W., Influence of the South-to-North Water Transfer and the Yangtze River Mitigation Projects on the water quality of Han River, China. 第一順位壁報發表 EGU General Assembly  Vienna. 
18104220165郭益銘濕地岸邊植生濾帶最佳管理措施控制面源汙染源第一順位口頭發表 第七屆海峽兩岸人工濕地研討會 臺灣嘉義大學 
191061201710郭益銘南水北調中線工程運行下的漢江中下游水質變化第一順位口頭發表 中國地質大學創校65週年學術交流研討會  
201061201711李冉、郭益銘不同淺層地下水位對植生濾帶削減面源汙染效率的影響研究第二順位口頭發表 第十五屆中國水論壇 深圳 
211061201711趙恩民、郭益銘基於動態因子分析及BP神經網絡構建葉綠素a預測模型第一順位口頭發表 第十五屆中國水論壇 深圳 
221061201711劉文文、郭益銘漢江中下游三個典型支流-⼲流交匯區域的汙染特性研究第二順位口頭發表 第十五屆中國水論壇 深圳 
23105220174Kuo, Y.M., Zhao, E.M., Liu, W.W.Time-series based water quality index for characterizing spatial-temporal variations of water quality in middle and down streams of Han River. 第一順位壁報發表 EGU General Assembly  
24105220176郭益銘動態因子分析方法探討水文及水文地質化學條件對臺灣西南部地下水砷濃度變化的影響第一順位口頭發表 2017地下水高層論壇暨海峽兩岸水文地質應用研討會 合肥 
251071201810郭益銘9. ,河流岸邊植生濾帶抑制面源汙染傳輸效益評估,第一順位口頭發表 第二屆水生態文明與綠色城鄉融合發展國際會議  
261071201810郭益銘河流岸邊植生濾帶抑制面源汙染傳輸效益評估第一順位口頭發表 第二屆水生態文明與綠色城鄉融合發展國際會議  
271071201810趙恩民、郭益銘基於統計方法的城郊淺水湖泊汙染源及其汙染過程解析第一順位口頭發表 2018中國地球科學聯合學術年會  
281071201811郭益銘、劉文文漢江中下游流域水質時空變異性及汙染等級推估第一順位口頭發表 第十六屆中國水論壇 黃山 
29106220186Kuo, Y.M., Li, R. Effects of vegetative filter strips of shallow groundwater on retarding transport of nonpoint source pollution. 第一順位口頭發表 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society  Hawaii 
301081201912Kuo, Y.M., Li, R.4. Impacts of Shallow Groundwater Table on Hydrology and Sediment Transport in Vegetative Filter Strips: Flume and Field Experiments and VFSMOD Modeling,第一順位壁報發表  AGU meeting San Francisco, USA 
31107220194Kuo, Y.M., Liu, W.W.,Estimating the spatial variation of water quality in the middle and down streams of Han River using a modified indicator-ordinary kriging approach, 第一順位書面發表 EGU General Assembly  
32107220194Zhao, E., Kuo, Y.M.,Evaluating the spatio-temporal variability of water quality in a lager river system based on a dynamic water quality index. 第二順位壁報發表 EGU General Assembly  
33108120199Kuo, Y.M., Li, R.,IImpacts of Shallow Groundwater Table on Hydrology and Sediment Transport in Vegetative Filter Strips. 第一順位書面發表 The 2nd International Conference on Non-point Source Pollution Control and Aquatic Ecosystem Protect  
341091202012郭益銘基於可調整權重的指標法評估生態環境狀況,第一順位口頭發表 第十一屆海峽兩岸人工溼地研討會  
351101202110郭益銘、李冉應用VFSMOD於最佳化設計植生濾带抑制非點源污染傳輸第一順位口頭發表 2021 國際濕地大會-明日濕地:我們共同的希望  
36109220217趙恩民、郭益銘基於可衡量區域環境特徵的指數法評估生態環境狀況第二順位口頭發表 中國生態水文論壇(第二屆)暨中國生態學學會生態水文專業委員會2021年會 長沙 

10981200911計畫主持人 植生濾帶於減緩沉積物與非點源汙染物之效能評估,2009/11-2010/07, 70萬,主持。2009/11/012010/07/31700000
31131202408計畫主持人國家科學及技術委員會水庫水生態環境時空變化特性對藍藻水華的影響機制 (2/3-3/3)2024/08/012025/07/311110000教師研究計畫管理系統轉入之計畫

11112202306學術期刊論文審查英文期刊審稿Science of the Total Environment 
41121202308學術期刊論文審查英文期刊審稿Science of the Total Environment 
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61121202312學術期刊論文審查審稿了大約三次Science of the Total Environment  
7112120238出席國內研討會2023 第26屆水利工程研討會 國立中興大學土木工程學系 
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