◎系所教育目標: 本系所著重理論與實務並重之原則,培育具植物病蟲害管理、診斷農林作物健康狀態、開發植物保護資材、瞭解國際植物檢疫業務及具實務經驗之植物醫學人才。
6.推動植物醫學之國際交流與互惠。 |
◎核心能力 | 關聯性 |
1.植物醫學相關專業技能 | 5 關聯性最強 |
2.植物醫學技術實作能力 | 4 關聯性稍強 |
3.農業生態經營與環境保育能力 | 3 關聯性中等 |
4.獨立思考與創造能力 | 4 關聯性稍強 |
◎本學科內容概述: 本學科為學士班課程,對植物造成危害的微生物做一廣泛介紹,讓學生對植物病原在形態,生物學特性,以及如何鑑別有初步的了解。 |
◎本學科教學內容大綱: 1.植物病原細菌
6.植物病原的鑑別 |
◎本學科學習目標: 希望學生從認識病原菌開始,能了解引起植物病害之因子有那些,及其個別特性、分離、培養方式及發生生態,以奠定未來學習植物病理學之基礎。 |
◎教學進度: |
週次 | 主題 | 教學內容 | 教學方法 |
01 09/12 | Introduction | Introduction | 講授。 |
02 09/19 | Environmental factors that cause plant disease | Environmental factors that cause plant disease | 講授。 |
03 09/26 | Environmental factors that cause plant disease | Environmental factors that cause plant disease | 講授。 |
04 10/03 | Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes:bacteria | Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes:bacteria | 講授。 |
05 10/10 | Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes:bacteria | Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes:bacteria | 講授。 |
06 10/17 | Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes:mollicutes | Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes:mollicutes | 講授。 |
07 10/24 | Plant diseases caused by viruses and viroids | Plant diseases caused by viruses and viroids | 講授。 |
08 10/31 | Plant diseases caused by viruses and viroids | Plant diseases caused by viruses and viroids | 講授。 |
09 11/07 | Plant diseases caused by fungi | Plant diseases caused by fungi | 講授。 |
10 11/14 | 期中考 | 期中考 | 問題教學法。 |
11 11/21 | Plant diseases caused by fungi | Plant diseases caused by fungi | 講授。 |
12 11/28 | Plant diseases caused by fungi | Plant diseases caused by fungi | 講授。 |
13 12/05 | Plant diseases caused by nematodes | Plant diseases caused by nematodes | 講授。 |
14 12/12 | Plant diseases caused by nematodes | Plant diseases caused by nematodes | 講授。 |
15 12/19 | Koch's postulates | Koch's postulates | 講授。 |
16 12/26 | Student's presentations | Student's presentations | 講授。 |
17 01/02 | Student's presentations | Student's presentations | 講授。 |
18 01/09 | 期末考 | 期末考 | 期末考。 |
◎課程要求: 1.非本系同學必須先修習通過微生物學,方可修習本課程。
5.請遵守智慧財產權及不得不法影印。 |
◎成績考核 課堂參與討論10% 小考10% 期中考30% 期末考30% 口頭報告20% |
◎參考書目與學習資源 George, N. Agrios. 2005. Plant Pathology. Fifth edition. Elsevier Academic Press. |
◎教材講義 請改以帳號登入校務系統選擇全校課程查詢方能查看教材講義 |