◎系所教育目標: 本系教學將循序漸進的培養學生之基礎學科,包括有機化學、無機化學、物理化學、分析化學、生物化學及相關實驗課程。進階化學課程則以生物材料與化學材料之相關學科為核心課程。同時著重學生實務經驗之養成,使其具有實際解決問題的能力。 |
◎核心能力 | 關聯性 |
1.具備認識有機、無機、物化、分析化學的基礎科學知識 | 5 關聯性最強 |
2.具備基礎科學知識所延進至化學生物學或材料科學之相關知識 | 5 關聯性最強 |
3.具備化學實務,並有分析、設計與實作,再經由驗證、歸納、及推論,找出問題與解決之能 | 4 關聯性稍強 |
4.具備處理數據與資料收集能力,能有效溝通與表達,且具邏輯組織的思考 | 5 關聯性最強 |
5.具國際觀之胸襟與思考 | 5 關聯性最強 |
6.具備團隊合作與自我終身之學習 | 3 關聯性中等 |
◎本學科內容概述: Learning fundamental physics as a basis for studying higher coarses of physical sciences on advanced chemistry
利用基礎物理學的訓練, 期使學生整合數理知能, 未來能夠學習處理研究或工程應用問題, 並誘導學生逐漸適應自主學習及終身學習的大學學習情境, 知道如何透過思索、查詢及討論得到知識,達到學而時習之不亦悅(說)乎的快樂學習目標.
為避免同學們在學期中與學習活動脫鉤, 學期末再背誦習題解答所造成的數理科學學習無效化, 每週皆安排綿密之學習活動, 學生應隨時按指示在網上討論作業, 並參加平時測驗.
基礎物理の訓練を通して、化学を勉強するための予備知識を習得 |
◎本學科學習目標: Connecting high school physical sciences and the application of physical sciences on advanced chemistry
練習數理思維, 作為銜接高中物理與物質科學高年級課程間的重要橋樑
高校物理から化学への専門課程までの間で基礎数理学を勉強 |
◎教學進度: |
週次 | 主題 | 教學內容 | 教學方法 |
| Appendix A~C
Ch 1 doing physics
(引言) | A-1 algebra & trigonometry (三角函數)
A-2 calculus (微積分)
B Système international d'unités (公制單位)
C conversion factors (單位換算)
1.1 realms of physics (物理學王國)
1.2 measurements & units (測量與單位)
1.3 working with numbers (科學表示法、工程表示法、有效位數)
*自習1.4 strategies for learning physics | 講授。 |
| Ch 2 motion in a straight line
(一維運動相關的數學) | 2.1 average motion (平均運動)
2.2 instantaneous velocity (瞬時速度)
2.3 acceleration (加速度)
2.4 constant acceleration (等加速度)
2.5 the acceleration of gravity (重力加速度) | 講授、討論。 |
| Ch 3 motion in two & three dimensions
27th~30th of Sep | network online homework (網路文獻討論)
3.1 vectors (向量)
3.2 velocity & acceleration vectors (速度向量與加速度向量)
3.3 relative motion (相對運動)
3.4 constant acceleration (等加速度)
3.5 projectile motion (拋體運動)
3.6 uniform circular motion (等速圓周運動) | 講授、討論。 |
| Ch 4 force & motion
Ch 5 using Newton's law
4th~7th of Oct | network online homework (網路文獻討論)
4.2 Newton's 1st & 2nd laws (ㄋㄧㄨㄊㄣ第1及第2定律)
4.3 forces (力)
4.4 the force of gravity (重力)
4.6 Newton's 3rd law (ㄋㄧㄨㄊㄣ第3定律)
4.5 using Newton's 2nd law (ㄋㄧㄨㄊㄣ第2定律應用)
5.1 using Newton's 2nd law (ㄋㄧㄨㄊㄣ第2定律應用)
5.2 multiple objects (多體)
5.3 circular motion (圓運動)
5.4 friction (摩擦力)
5.5 drag forces (拖曳力) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 6 work energy & power
11th~14th of Oct | test of Ch 1~3 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
6.1 work (功)
6.2 forces that vary (變力)
6.3 kinetic energy (動能)
6.4 power (功率) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 7 conservation of energy
18th~21st of Oct | test of Ch 4~5 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
7.1 conservative & nonconservative forces (守恆力與非守恆力)
7.2 potential energy (位能[勢能])
7.3 conservation of mechanical energy (機械能守恆)
7.4 potential-energy curves (位能曲線) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 9 systems of particles
25th~28th of Oct | test of Ch 6~7 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
9.1 centre of mass (質心)
9.2 momentum (動量)
9.3 kinetic energy of a system (系統動能)
9.4 collisions (碰撞)
9.5 totally inelastic collisions (完全非彈性碰撞)
9.6 elastic collisions (彈性碰撞) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 10 rotational motion
1st~4th of Nov | (平時測驗暫停1週)
10.1 angular velocity & acceleration (角速度與角加速度)
10.2 torque (力矩)
10.3 rotational inertia & the analog of Newton's law (轉動慣量與ㄋㄧㄨㄊㄣ轉動定律)
10.4 rotational energy (轉動動能)
10.5 rolling motion (滾動) | 討論、報告、multimedia learning。 |
| Ch 11 rotational vectors & angular momentum
8th~11th of Nov | (平時測驗暫停1週)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
11.1 angular velocity & acceleration vectors (角速度向量與角加速度向量)
11.2 torque & the vector cross product (力矩向量)
11.3 angular momentum (角動量)
11.4 conservation of angular momentum (角動量守恆)
11.5 gyroscopes & precession (陀螺儀與進動) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 12 static equilibrium
15th~18th of Nov | test of Ch 9 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
12.1 conditions for equilibrium (靜力平衡條件)
12.2 contre of gravity (重心)
12.3 examples of static equilibrium (靜力平衡實例)
12.4 stability (穩定性) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 13 oscillatory motion
22nd~25th of Nov | test of Ch 10~11 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
13.1 describing oscillatory motion (振盪的描述)
13.2 simple harmonic motion (簡諧運動)
13.3 applications of simple harmonic motion (簡諧運動的應用)
13.4 circular & harmonic motion (圓周運動與簡諧運動的對照)
13.5 energy in simple harmonic motion (簡諧運動的能量) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 13 oscillatory motion
29th of Nov ~ 2nd of Dec | test of Ch 12 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
13.6 damped harmonic motion (阻尼振盪)
13.7 driven oscillations & resonance (強迫振盪與共振) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 14 wave motion
6th~9th of Dec | test of Ch 13 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路文獻討論)
14.1 waves and their properties (波的性質)
14.2 wave math (波的數學)
14.3 waves on a string (弦波)
14.4 sound waves (聲波) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 14 wave motion
13th~16th of Dec | test of Ch 14 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路討論作業)
14.5 interference (干涉)
14.6 reflection & refraction (反射與折射)
14.7 standing waves (駐波)
14.8 the Doppler effect & shock waves (ㄉㄛㄆㄌㄜㄦ效應與衝擊波) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 16 temperature & heat
Ch 17 the thermal behaviour of matter
(物質的熱行為, 只講17.1)
20th~23rd of Dec | test of Ch 14 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路討論作業)
16.1 heat, temperature & thermodynamic equilibrium (熱、溫度與熱平衡)
16.2 heat capacity & specific heat (熱容量與比熱)
16.3 heat transfer (熱傳導)
16.4 thermal-energy balance (熱能平衡)
17.1 gases (氣體)
*(optional) 17.2 phase changes (相變)
*(optional) 17.3 thermal expansion (熱膨脹) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 18 heat, work, and the 1st law of thermodynamics (熱、功、熱力學第1定律)
27th~30th of Dec | test of Ch 16 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
network online homework (網路討論作業)
18.1 the 1st law of thermodynamics (熱力學第1定律)
18.2 thermodynamic processes (熱力學過程)
18.3 specific heats of an ideal gas (理想氣體的比熱) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| Ch 19 the 2nd law of
thermodynamics (熱力學第2定律)
3rd~6th of Jan | network online homework (網路討論作業)
19.1 reversibility & irreversibility (可逆與不可逆)
19.2 the 2nd law of thermodynamics (熱力學第2定律)
19.3 applications of the 2nd law (熱力學第2定律的應用)
19.4 entropy & energy quality (亂度與可作功的能量) | 講授、討論、test。 |
| *(optional) Ch 8 gravity (重力)
*(optional) Ch 15 fluid motion (流體)
discussion (檢討)
10th~13th of Jan | test of Ch 17-19 (平時測驗, 含塡充、選擇、簡答)
*8.1 toward a law of gravity (重力)
*8.2 universal gravitation (萬有重力定律)
*8.3 orbital motion (軌道運動)
*8.4 gravitational energy (重力位能)
*8.5 the gravitaional field (重力場)
*15.1 density & pressure (密度與壓力)
*15.2 hydrostatic equilibrium (流體平衡)
*15.3 Archimedes' principle & buoyancy
*15.4 fluid dynamics (流體力學)
*15.5 applications of fluid dynamics (流體力學的應用)
*15.6 viscosity & turbulence (黏性與亂流)
discussion (檢討作業與測驗) | 討論、test。 |
◎課程要求: (Space) |
◎成績考核 小考80% 書面報告20% |
◎參考書目與學習資源 text book: Essential University Physics volume 1 by Richard Wolfson, 2nd edition, Pearson. 歐亞代理. 請自行聯絡歐亞公司訂購, 教師恕不處理購書事宜. (鄭家偉MOB0988622361, 總公司TEL02-89121188, 南區業務TEL06-2698528) 購買舊書可洽化學系大二以及數學系大三各班.
references: 1. Physics for Scientists & Engineers by Jewett & Serway, 8th edition, Thomson;
2. Fundamentals of Physics, 6th and later editions, Halliday, Resnick & Walker. |